Show SALT LAKE AE CITY TO 10 HAVE UME T I I II Salt Lake City May 15 Within a short timo Limo this season Salt Lake Lako City I will take on another metropolitan air all when taxicabs will bo ho on tho the streets ready rea to transport the belated citizen to his homo home at tho the rate of 50 cents a n mile tot foi each passenger The Tile taxicab will fill a long felt foil want ants and make tho the hustle and an perhaps per perhaps perhaps haps come down clown In his prices These taxicabs are arc mighty nice lit little little tle lIo things run smoothly rapidly and dont cost much and will como come In inI I handy on stormy storm nights when street streetcars streetcars streetcars cars are arc not working and one wants to go so to tho the theater or como conic there from During the week the Consolidated Wagon and Machine company import imported ed live Ford taxicabs and moro more are arc coming Othor dealers have some sonic on the market and a u deal Is under way W whereby they will be bo put Into service senico as Indicated above They hey are aro In use useIn useIn usein In all tho the larger cities of tho the United States Slates and wherever rever in use they have havo become most popular and there thero Is no reason why wh they tho should not prove successful suc successful I In Salt Lake Lako |