Show WEALTHY LITTLE MAID OF FIVE MAKING LONG TRIP THIP Now York May lla 15 With two maids to look after her with all the care and attention to which she ahe Is la entitled by br birth the Honorable Betty BeUr Belts Betts Bettsworth worth five years old oll has nas arrived at atthe tho the Hotel Netherlands from Montreal en route from irom Liverpool to Colorado Springs Manager Whittaker had hail an automobile at the tho Grand Central sUa sta Uon to meet her and tho the nurses A grand niece of the late Colonel North the nitrate king who left several millions In trust for hor or solo use the Honorable Betty Bett showed that her every wish was law lM When sho she arrived at the tho hotel she Aho told one of the nurses sho wanted anted a nice big room and somo some fruit and milk right away awa Sho She had breakfast and luncheon In Inthe tho the big dining room both nurses standing behind her hor chair and watch watchIng watchIng watchIng Ing oer over her Any An guest who attempt attempted ed cd to approach her was quietly warned warnel awn away the tho nurses saying they had been Instructed not to lot let a single stranger near the child for an Instant The nurse said the Honorable Betty Dell has never noer seen scon her father Her moth mother er Just after she was born while tho the father was as absent In the Canadian northwest He Is interested in an nn Eng English En lish corporation owning extensive mining claims and timber lands lan s In Alaska and anti Canada CanaJa He will vIll see als Is child at her aunts In Colorado Springs |