Show le j Central Park Presbyterian Church Corner rl r ton avenue a and 7 Tnt nr 1 1 street streeL Rev s C C Hickman pastor Sunday morning service R 11 Sunday Bunda school 1220 1330 1 20 Bible tudy m and prayer r meeting Wednesday ot evening 8 S All cordially wel welcomed welcomed el I corned to these services I First Methodist Episcopal Church Churchwa i J ht wa hh ul Je Q W V McCreory pastor 1000 10 u n m Sunday school Classes for all Mr B E ENewton ENewton Newton ewton 1100 a aa m Morning worship Sermon by b the Iho pas paster paster paster ter topic The Tho Ascension Anthem Antem toy hy chorus choir When Love Shine In Noon class meeting Mr Jame Drysdale leader lender 7 00 p pp m League for young oung people p plo This meet meeting lug ing will be bo led by b tho pastor tho UlO theme will be he Mountain Top Expert It 11 will bo tho Twentieth annl anni anniversary of oC tho the Founding of oC tho Cho t lo Ep EI Epworth Epworth worth League Lea ul SOD p m Gospel ser service serIco service vice Ico of oC Even Song All the hymns used will be bo those appropriate to the die even evenIng evening Ing Tho The pastors theme themo will be Some Thoughts for the tho Close of oC Day DayA Da DaA A welcome is extended to all Thoro There Will b ba special music as follows Pre Pro Jude ludo selected Miss Welch Anthem Seeking the tho lx Lost st chorus choir Piano solo Sweet Dyo Dye and anti antie e Ml 1185 s Nellie Ramor Offertory o tle I tOl Miss MIA Welch elch Solo with accompaniment by b mixed quartette Tho Sinner and the Song Son 1 J W AV Hamer and Mrs Miller Mrs and layman Lyman Postlude Miss Welch Church The First Congregational Church Adams Lams avenue and street Noble o oble le Strong minister Morn lorn Morning lag ing worship at 11 today tad a May 1 Sermon The Tao Virtue In Not Go GoIng GoInS GoIng Ing InS to Church Music morning Prelude Pr lu c Moon loon Motif Moth Ml Miss RE Conroy I Eolo Solo Through Lifes Long Day Da Auto Connell Gunnell Offertory Evening Star St r Tann hauser hauBer Wagner Miss Conroy Conro Sunday Sun ar school at 1215 Junior so 50 cloty clot at 7 i p m Evening service at nt S Mimic evening Prelude from Cava lerla Miss Conroy Trio Thoro Thero Is a Blessed Homo Iome Marks Miss 1165 Canady rl Miss Gunnell Violin loUn offertory Tho Swan Swano Saint Saena I o Mr Ir Arthur Fell Solo Soo Prayer of oC agner Miss 1188 Holberg postlude March larch from II t Gounod Go f Miss 1188 Conroy Pulpit editorial Mayor Brower and His Agreement With Ita Moll Holl Sermon Religion ReU lon and Medicine I lions Bone A special program of o songs recitations and anti readings has been lIcen prepared pre prepared prepared pared Mrs IM S G and Mr Ir Chas ChaJ A have havo ha consented to address the tho young I on timely topics Tho The public Is cordially co all Invited In lt cd ed to attend Tho The Second Congregational Church Washington avenue and Second street Sunday SlInda school it at 3 for all Rev Ilov I Walter C of Salt Lake City will rill at 1 First Church of Christ Scientist Holds service at 11 a m In the tho now ne Masonic Temple Washington avenue between and Twenty sixth streets Subject Mortals and Immortals Sunday school at 9 15 a n m Wednesday Wednes n evening testimonial meetings are held nt al 8 S p m Tho pub public lic Is la cordially Invited to attend these services Free Reading Rooms aro are open dally except Sundays and Holi Hell Holidays days daH from Crom 2 3 to 5 p in In n same build building buildIng ing InS Swedish Lutheran Church Sunday school at 10 a m Miss Laura Swan Swanson Swanson Swanson son superintendent Morning services at 11 II Subject Prayer Tho Vito con confirmation conn class clu 3 meets this after afternoon afternoon noon noori at 2 3 p m Luther League Loague Friday evening at 7 30 The Tho Ladles Aid meets Friday J afternoon aile moon at p in m mal at al the home of Mrs Dora D ra Johnson All Allaro Allaro Allare aro are cordially welcome First t Baptist Church Located on Grant avenue near street Rev HO II IT D Zimmerman n pas pastor pastor pastor tor Today Todar services will be held as liS follows Sunday school at 10 lock Classes es for all Prof Smith superintendent Morning wor won worship ship Hili at 1115 with sermon Bermon by b pas pastor pastor pastor tor Tho Thu morning series Hodes will bo bu con CoD continued tinted subject being Tho Believers Privileges part III Ili The Tho B Y l P U will meet fleet at 7 i In of oC church Topic Pilgrims Progress SerIes V At the Cross Leader ader George Georgo Vaughan Evening worship wON at atS atS S ocl k Subject And Peter Gos Gospel Gospel pel pet singing Hinging and gospel Josp l preaching will willbe willbe willbe be the prominent feature of this service ser sere service vice JC On Thursday afternoon at 30 and evening at al 73 Dr E ElI M Stephen son BOH of oC University Park ParI Colorado will conduct a series of Sunday Sunda School S In ln Institutes Institutes These Institutes are Inspirational educational religious On Fri Jorl Friday Friday day da afternoon and evening services will also bo be o hold at tho the same samo hours conducted by b Dr A cor cordial cordial dial lIal Invitation n IB in extended the public to attend Institutes All Sunday school workers work rs superintend superintendents onu kindergarten workers aro are es especially especially urged to avail aall themselves of oC this excellent opportunity of oC securing new now Ideas now no suggestions BU now In Inspiration etc Itc for lor tho UIO successful car carrying carrying on of Sunday school work In lu Ogden Osden Make lake It generally known and then come and bring a n friend with you ou First Presbyterian Church John Ed Edward Edward ward warn Carver Carvor pastor Morning worship worship wOl at 11 Theme Tho The Commer Commercial Commercial cial Opportunity In the Religious Sphere of oC Life Sunday school at 1215 1315 Endeavor at 7 Evening wor war worship ship at S 8 Theme Thome The Natural and Biblical Teaching reachIng In regard to Hell Helland Helland helland and tho the Future Punishment MornIng Morn MornIng Ing InS music Prelude Consolation Mendelssohn Miss Biddle Solo Ava A yn Maria Marla l Mitchell Offertory Rosary Nevin Miss Diddle Evening music Prelude Andante Schubert Miss MIsH fiddle Tenor folo olo I 1 Am Going Home Foster Mr I r Saunders Violin Godard ties Hamil Postlude po O Gounod Mica lIls Biddle TAFT MUSTERED IN TO ASSOCIATED SOCIETY OF G GAR A R Washington May 15 President Taft In the th presence or of a die dis distinguished diet t d gathering of civil war vet vot veterans erans Brans fA nl was waA mustered In today toda as as a n member of the Associated A E I Society of oC Farnsworth morth post Grand Army Arm of tho Republic of oC Mount Vernon Vornon ornon N Y The Tho Th ceremonies were wem conducted by General Horace Porter of Now York In the cast casl room of or tho the White House President Roosevelt was wag made m de a D member of the society coop poon after ho became In addition to memo mem membership of oC Farnsworth no poet t there were present pr today representative es of o John A DI And of oC Lloyd wall post of New York City as aa well as prominent members of oC the tho G A AR AR AR R In Washington A few years ago when Grand Army ranks ranker began b an to thin this from death a 11 movement was started to Associate societies of ot such Buch persons persona r as 15 do I rod to help to o peep keep up tho the famous organization Many of the larger posts now nw n have ban associate societies President r 5 Taft became an honorary member r |