Show i I ANNOUNCEMENT AN ENT Tho The Ogden Osden Morning Examiner is I compelled by reason of an unavoidable able chain of circumstances to go to press this morning without Its special cial clai comic supplement and nd colored colore section together with other otlie features which are arc to be made a n permanent and andi important part of or each Sunday Issue In the future futuro Owing to the tile fact that the U S Color company compan with which an order for the required number WitS was as placed during the week was wm unable to have hare tho tue shipment made In time to reach Ogden we are arc compelled co to disappoint our readers renders who like the tho funny pic plc pictures pictures tures hires today toda We re 0 cnn can only give ghe our positive as assurance assurance that this will not occur again ngam Next Sunday The Ogden Morning Ex Examiner Examiner will issue the largest Sunday morning newspaper that has nas as ever eer been given to the people of Ogden The Examiner of that thai date will bo bu fairly running over with good things including includIng ing one of the best comic supplements and colored sections that can cnn be ob obtained as wen well as a large number of timely and interesting special feat features features ures tires We Ve ask the th Indulgence of our read lead leaders readers readers ers for to as unavoidable disappoint disappointment ment mont and promise to fully malce up for the lie lack lacI of features today toda by the good things to come |