Show DISCOVERS iEN CURt FOR TETUS Milwaukee WIs WI May What Is believed by lJ medical mon men to bo be a euro enro for the hitherto fatal tetanus or lockjaw lock lockjaw lockjaw jaw has been discovered by b Professor Profesor sor A S Lovenhart University of i Wisconsin who for several days davs has beon been cooperating operating co with Milwaukee co 1 physicians lIh in tho the case of Albert John Joi ii I Ion son uon on jn in St Marys larrs ho tho result r sult in this Instance was not a acure acure cure It warrants the opinion that thal u IL i t significant f step stell has been taken In Inthe Inthe inthe the direction fur for the cure oC of this thin dis disease case ease Professor has found foun that thata a II substance which he hl produced producer In tau tru laboratory was capable of destroying ln I the toxin or holson by hy tho the germ gorm of or lockjaw in laboratory export experiments ments outside the lie body bod anc tho the disease laca e occurs in animals r r Horned Toads Horned Homed toads loads are slow of or foot Coot and tho the piny hons which cover coer them to bo be their only defense d Prof I Copo Cone gives an example of a dead rat found with the die horns of oC one ono of these theae lizards which It had wal I lowed penetrating the tho neck through the tho upper skin akin ono one on each silo side of the th spine spino John doh n K Strecker Jr re rc I cords cordo another case caso where hero the capture of OCIl a horned lizard was fatal lo to 0 he the bl ani mal that tb t had bad eaten It Ho He says sayo a G Some Somo I years earR ago a n friend brought mo we a n dead gene genea hawk Butco a that he had found 1 lug out on tho ho prairie west of or tho city V p i co o It was W S great Iy ly I emaciated and there thoro was wa s considers er bit bio dry blood on the feathers s of ot of erthe tho the throat and breast On skinning It I found fund no shot wounds but when whon I 1 mado made a careful examination exan of tho ho I carcass carcase T found that it ii had swallowed two horned lizards and that ono or ot tho the occipital horns of ot ono one of these ba had bad penetrated tho the birds trachea For est eat and Stream |