Show THUGS BEAT UP N EVS PAP ER MAN M F Cunningham Ogden Osden O den Corre Gorre Correspondent Correspondent of Herald Brutally Assaulted Vicious Attack Made by Highway Highwaymen men Frightened Away Be Before Before Before fore Getting Valuables While on his hi way wa homo home about 1 this hits morning M F ham hani was wa brutally assaulted ass by high highwaymen highwaymen waymen As ho lie was walking along alon Washington avenue near the tho homo home of or orIn Mr Mrs In Moroni Thomas at Wash Washington Tashi ington Inston avenue ho lie heard stops ap approaching He lie to see who vho was wag approaching and was struck a aI vicious blow over 0 vel tho the right eye ee which I felled him to tho ground Mrs Thomas heard the disturb disturbance disturbance ance and she hc raised her window to see what had happened As sho she did so she says lia s she he saw three men run runaway runaway away from Mr Cunningham who was wal then lying upon the pavement p lement As soon as tho the Injured man could regain his footing lie ho made mad his way wa bleeding profusely to tho the Thomas rhomas residence front from which place a telephone mes meso message message sage Ea e waa a sent to the police station advising them of tho the attempted hoMo hold holdup up Officers and Wardlow were ero detailed upon tl U caso and they the hurried to the scene of or the tho trouble No trace of the robbers however could be found and mId It Is very ver likely that they made marlo good their getaway Mr Cunningham was taken to lo his hits home 2871 Hudson avenue nut and Dr DI Browning was summoned to render medical aid ald It was found by U the doc doe doctor doctor tor or that Mr Cunningham had hat suffered an tin ugly contusion over oer the right eye ee which required a number of or stitches to close He lie was suffering from a se severe seere ere vere headache by virtue of tho tIm vicious blow he hall hail received but otherwise wa wait not badly hurt hurl Mr 11 Cunningham Is the lie Ogden correspondent for or the Salt Lake Herald The Tho purpose of tho the I assault was wag undoubtedly robbery but tho the highwaymen were frightened away awn be before before before fore they tho secured anything of value |