Show Ogden Briefs I IH H P Henderson Seriously III H HII II 11 Henderson was called to Salt SaIL Lake morning where his bin uncle H II P 1 Henderson on Is Ill 11 with pneumonia and in a dangerous condi condition ton Lion Seo Muller for decorating wall wail pa ha I poi Jel paint etc elc Funeral services over or the time remains of Mrs Irl J C Trout will bo lie held Monday afternoon at 3 at the Episcopal church Friends will be ime receIved between tho time hours of 11 and amid 1 J Monday at the time resi residence deuce dence No o 2155 Van Vail Duren avenue B 13 t G C butter butler anti and cheese arc are made mallo fc r ftp p people who are alC particular about I I what whal they cat caL It costs tho tim same i i Laying the Gas Mains Tho Utah I Light Railway TIa company is pro I grossing with wilh its proposed extension of gas mains macins throughout the city A I force of men amen Is IB now engaged in re rc repairing repairing pairing time the main mam ahong tho the south side of oC street Most of this timis pipe proves to bo be in II bad con condition condition diLlon and Is being replaced by bj now Decker stared I j although the Lime two mains on Twenty I fifth street aro nrc more than enough to I I supply all subscribers upon that thal street sl reet the thc present capacity is nece necessary sary on out account of time tho pressure need needed ed cd further on In ut tho the residence dis extensions Mr Ir William V of Fair Fairview Fa it view lew III arrived arr el this week weck to take charge of the shorthand department of the time OGden Business college colle e Mr I is Isa a graduate of ot the Gem City Cil Business college of or HL Ill I I and as ns an instructor of o Grogg Gregg short hort j j I II hand is unexcelled I May Be tic Deported United States I Immigration Inspector of Salt Lake Is in the city Investigating the I case of a n man named Hunter wio io ao was I adjudged insane by Drs Robinson an and Dickson Friday afternoon It t is al 01 alleged I that Hunter Hun ter was afflicted with sith Wi th I I mental disease dl ease when he ho entered too ue e United States from CanaGa three o I years cars ago and that ho lie is a lit III subject lor loi deportation at this time lime Visiting in Ogden Mr and Mrs Ills It Il IlD ii iiD D Italian and anti family of Jane Iowa have been visiting T I II Carr Calr anti lInd family the thc past week r I Wo Ve re have havo Mn Mr h Theodore Theodoro I Courtney one of ot tho time finest I in the time country for Cot time the penmanship I 1 and bookkeeping departments and ntH I I Mr Mm h William for the tho short shorthand I I hand hnud department havo have purchased fifty fifty ty t of time the latest halest mould model t and anti have hao doubted doubled time the size BIZO of oC our Oil i quarters enlarged I and Got Get time the best hest OG OGDEN I DEN D N BUSINESS COLLEGE J C Embry A M E Mission Di Ino services tonight it t S p pin pIll in Ill mm at nt the Hall of Worship No street Bennett block corner of street Grant avenue Mr oil J T R Lemme of will deliver delier an address sub subject subject subject God GomI in Nature Excellent E mu music music sic has been arranged for the tho sere ser services ices vices tonight t t and the public is us cor cordially invited to attend Student Election Tho student body of o the lie I i acad m will mecy moe to tomorrow tomorrow morrow to elect cloel officers for fOI the time lug ing year The election s to uc con c n I I I I I i i I I j I I I I I dueled under tho plan and regulation rc of governmental 11 elections and amid a Vim O lag Ing In machine machino will bo be used McKendrick to Idaho Principal McKendrick of time the Weber lot Iet Ogden last Ia l night for Ida where hr he hc will lecture today 1 i It foro fore the time Sunday Sunda school r rand and tho time conference which is in bein boin hold there thoro today loday Objects to Administrator Eliza II It I Faulkner a n daughter and amid 1 of oC tho time late lale Jane Janc N Pierce has lias flied Hied serious objections to lo the tho If of Porter M I Pierce as of tho time estate of Juno Jane N X d ceased alleging that thaI he bc is tent to perform time the duties of the 10 io altion satisfactorily Murphy the Pickpocket W II I i Murphy limo tho alleged V wi o otrIe tried trIe to t swim sIm Ogden river sevc S Ci i 1 days lays ago with a which b bis i 1 iI Is suspected of having stolen in l i lI street car was arraigned yesterday cn on time Ule charge chargo of oi vagrancy sworn to tu bv by y Deputy Sheriff Murphy Murph en ca a plea pica of or not Dot guilt guIlty and wu wa l minter un lor bonds to time the th amount of or 50 his case is called In lri court I School nil all summer at al Ute Lime Ogdon Business college We C have one of oC time the best Gro Grez ro tea hOls in the west vest OGDiN X In INESS COLLEGE Dr Snowden Not in cour Til case of disturbing the time peace Q was brought against Dr C II It Snow Snowden Snowden den len Friday Frid l after his son lon had lied been nr lIr t i for time the offense b by a Iu In the Initials of his name was cill c l lcd cd In police court Friday morning tie Le complainant Joseph Welsh and nn nL nh hi witnesses being on elm heath hand to lo time lIlO case caso The Time defendant T was nowhere to be found which TV i 1 suited in the thc question as lo to i I he hue had been properly served with w th not notice notice ice of arrest The case caso will bo be heard Monday morning Letters of Administration In the th matter of tim tho estate of Frank Whit Deceased letters ot of o administration i I have mase beon been issued to lo Pearl WillIe Regular Service Discontinued Tn service senico of sermons In Lime ti tir First r Presbyterian church upon The Time i Life Beyond Beoni the Lime Grave Grac will ill bo lie con COIL eluded this evening with time the sermon upon The Time Naturalistic anti and Teaching reaching in Regard TI to Future i l milt and Hell There will be lie a l pc r cial musical program There will bi bino b no further pi caching services until June Gib Rev Hev Re Carver being called calle l to 10 Denver Denol Monday Mon o to attend the an annual nual meeting of the hue General of the Weather Forecast Indications art are for f r showers today Tomorrow will wll b bu partly Petition Filed Mary Lewis LOWB IH has hns lIlt 1 a petition praying for issuance i Zo o 0 il ilOf hr if Of ot letters of of the tho c tate talc of the limo late John Johll S 5 I The rime petition was w s granted this noon Answer to Complaint An ans 7 has imas been heen filed to lO the complaint In ti tb ease of John E K thither Butler a minor b IJ bAnna bAnna r Anna M of Butler his guardian ad ael liten vs s 5 the Denver and Rio TIlo Grande Granule fled Ral way WU company More than timan a dozen douen years ago w started 1 out to reach the time highest hi lm sible degree Iler of excellence to bo 10 a at I t in hum buttor making The TIme Eul EulIs Is IB B Li G emitter outler Buy Boy ur of your OUI grol groen He lie has it r |