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Show i When England Needed Bread. j England waa once on the vrren of a j bread famine. That was In 1KQ0. i when tbe ware with Franm oomhlrifd I with a aucceaslon of bad tiarvrate to j plunge tbe country Into a elate of gen- j Krai destitution. "A law was enset-1 d," writes Mr. F. W. Hackwood. "prohibiting the sale of bread till It tad been out of the oven at Irast 24 Sours. Food wss so scarce and dear that a portion of the population refused re-fused to atarve In ailnre. and riot ing broke out In many parts of Kng-land. Kng-land. Tbe acta against 'forestalling ind regratlng' that la. anticipating he marketa so aa to rats the price j f foodstuffs were rigorously enforced. en-forced. A royal grant of CSOD was nade to one Thomas Tod en. to enable ilm to proeecute a dlsrovery. made by 1 lm. of a 'paste' as a substitute for i sheat flour." Iondnn Chronicle. |