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Show Practical Fashions LADY'S BALKAN BLOUSE. W This very nifty blouse comes to ns from the near east, it Is a modification modifica-tion of the species of smock that Is worn there. The front and back are both plain, and the very slight fullness full-ness Is gathered at the lower edge and drawn Into a band. It Is said that this new method of confining the edge of a blouse Is an Indication of the approach ap-proach of an unnaturally low walat line, but In Ita present form It la very youthful and pretty. The neck of thla blouse Is open, and a small collar and revers mark the outline. The sleeves may be full length or cut off at the elbow el-bow and finished there with a turnback turn-back cuff. Faille, taffetas, brocade, silk, and wool eponge, Cheviot, linen and pique are all suitable for a blouse of this character. The pattern (619C) Is cut In sites 34 to 42 Inches bust measure. Medium site requires 24 yards of 30 Incb material. To prwure thla fittem n1 10 cent to "Tatti-rn lw-.artnient." of thla puper. Write name and )lnM plainly, ami t aura to glvs sua ana number of pattern. NO. 6190. S1ZB .... N AMR teaa wen.mwM XOrVN eexe STRKET AND NO ... . TATE LADY'S BOX-PLAITED ' SHIRT WAIST. iff 146 1 This pretty waist is made with two-box two-box plaits at the front The back Is plain. It Is made with low neck and short sleeves. Linen, msdras or mes-salln mes-salln can be uaed to make thla waist The pattern (6146) la cut In alxes 34 to 42 inches bust measure. Medium site requires i yards of 30 Inch material. ma-terial. To procure this pattern nil 10 rents to "Pattern !artmnt." of thla paper. Write name ami ailraa plainly, ami be aure to give elte and nuinlvr of saltern. NO. SI 40. KZK NAMK .. TOWN.- STREET AND NO. r. Delta State Bank . DELTA. UTAH Commercial and Savings, Accounts Farm Fire Insurance Frank Beckwith, Cashier Fix Up for Spring Work Have your Plows, Pointed or Impaired. Put aome New Jrons on. Braces put on the Lcveler und Marker. Mark-er. Your Waifon need the Tires Tightened or other repairs made. You'll be usinjr the Seeder Seed-er soon. Is it in good shape T Now about the horses T Don't they need some New Shoes! You ran pet all this kind . of work promptly done at T.C.nnOHIIlllG'S.DELTA CITY DRUG STORE I have Just opened my new Drug Stor with a full line of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CONFECTIONERY, . CIQARS, TOBACCO, and Smokers' Goods . Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Calls for a Physician to any part of v the County Promptly Answered. DR. C. H. RICHARDS rilOPRlETOIt Clark St., Delta. Delta Cleaning and Pressing Co. Clothi- cleaned and prt-Mcd 11 50 per month Bsvt your clolhri by saving us clean them Made to Measure Suits We are agents for the Reliable Tuilt rinjr Co., of Chicago. , Suits from 112 to $40. Detter than any ready made garments. As an Incitement we will (rive half our commission on our first orders. Clark Street Market, Delta HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED With new Buckles, Stronger Straps, Newly Sewed Joints. It may save you half a day's work. HAVE YOUR. HARNESS OILED It don't cost mueh and it will last twiee as long. HOW'S YOUR RUBBER BOOTS? And your other footwear t I do all this kind of work in good shape and on short notice. L. BUCHANAN Kast of Searls Market. Delta Ice Cream Weather is here and we are prepared for it, and keep tbe most delicious Ice Cream in stock. COOL DRINKS OF ALL KINDS . Our soda fountain can furnish you with a great variety of cool and refreshing drinks. CET YOUR LUNCH WITH US We can supply you with much or little and satisfy your appetite appe-tite and purse. Delta Oakery. Delta C. A. Broaddus.MD. Physician and Surjeon Occulist DESEJIET 9 to 10 a. m. EINCKLEY Afternoons at Us Cash Drug More. rffoxr. at both ot-rrrw |