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Show i Unimaginable. j tard Kxmouth ia praising New York "Hut." he said, sravely. "New Tor Is tbe most eipenslve city In the world. Why. It Is more expensive than Monte Carlo. Clro'a Is cheap beside be-side your amart New York reatau rants, where you cant H a good meal j under eight or nine dollars, and the' Hotel de Paris Is cheap beside your New York hotels, where you can't Ct a food room under six or sevea dot- i lers. '"On the vox ace over a German said i to me: j "Tbe laat time I visited New York j there were card aharpa on tbe boat and I was cleaned out of f 1,000 In ej rmnkwl poker game.' "Indeed!" I aald. I waa very much Interested. 'And this,' I aaked, 'on the voyage to or from New York? "The German gave me that look of acorn .blcn we always give green- j horns j "The voysge to New York, of; course,' he anered. 'Imagine any vis- j itor leaving New York with money to , lose.'" . |