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Show Over-Night Relief for Constipation A Small Dose on Retiring and You Are Well and Happy by Morning It la only natural that the simplest of ailments should be the most general, gen-eral, and ao we have a whole nation suffering from constlpntlon and Indigestion, Indi-gestion, for they are rifely allied. Hut common aa constipation la many people peo-ple do not seem to know they bave It They will complain of headuche, drowsiness or biliousness, all unconscious uncon-scious of the cause of the trouble. You should have a full and free movement at least once a day. If you lass a day yen are constipated, and tbe result will be that you will catch a cold easily or bave a more serious ailment. To cure the constipation and forestall still graver trouble take a dose of Dr. Caldwell' 8yrup Pepsin at night before retiring and by morning morn-ing relief will come, without disturbance disturb-ance from sleep or any Inconvenience. Legione of people use It regularly In aucb emergencies, aome of them formerly form-erly chronic invaltda who have Buffered Buf-fered from constipation all their Uvea. Mr. A. 11. Danner. 326 lllley St., liar-rlHburg. liar-rlHburg. 1'a, says: "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin gave me almost Instant relief from Btotnach and bowel trouble. trou-ble. 1 now eat anything I want, and sleep well." Many otbera will tell you that they bave tried most tblnga recommended rec-ommended for thla purpose but have found Syrup Pepsin the only one always al-ways reliable. A bottle can bo obtained obtain-ed at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar, the latter site being bought Mr. A. B. Danner. by families already familiar with its merits. Syrup Pepsin la mild, pleasant tasting, tast-ing, and non-griping. Mothers give it to tiny infants, and yet It is effective In grown-ups. It is for everyone who suffers from any form of stomach, liver or bowel troublo, constipation dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. Its action will ao delight you that you will forever for-ever avoid harsh cathartics, purgatives, purga-tives, pills and salta. If no member of your family ha ever used Syrup PepBln and you would like to make a personal trial of It before be-fore buying It In the regular way of a druggist, aend your address a postal will do to Dr. W. H. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Montlcello, III., and a free sample bottle will be mailed you. A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. Tb Rev. Edmund Healop of "Wig-ton, "Wig-ton, Pa., Buffered from Dropay for a year. Hta limb and feet were wol-len wol-len and puffed. lie bad heart flutter- ting, waa dlxsy and exhausted at tb least exertion. exer-tion. Handa and feet were cold and be had such a dragging sensation sensa-tion across tbe loins that It was difficult to move. ReT. E. Healop. t?" Vlf . 1 " boxea of Dodds Kidney PHI the swelling disappeared disappear-ed and be felt himself again. He saya be baa been benefited and bleased by tbe use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Several Sev-eral months later be wrote: I have not changed my faith In your remedy since the above statement was author-bed. author-bed. Correspond with Rev. E. Healop Hea-lop about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, EOc. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem , (English and Qerman words) and recipe re-cipe for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. ill Tal J f biro Dlatampar among ta Qiwv ift I liinl i no i"' i- nr.r io )'.rV. V-4VJJ. aa M lUllllll marraara f.llng-Ilatmta yCvVVA mmf ' Mm ef U corn plauiiog ma t Uw if your horaae Iff L tlinIrr. BfKf 5 IB SPOIIiVS DISTEMPER CURE VjL S J""" 'rM a'egnar1 eur aa well aa prrntl Mr and SI " V", j TtJr -r 7 twtllfUO and li HI dotea. delivered. Larga la mora than twlca laa &)tl--rrls amalleraua. Uon'l iuHI ofT. unit. iHrujrgiata-oravBd tomaniifarnurara. NZp &.ba Maaleal Co.. Ckaaiai aaa laclariabflili, Goabaa. lad.. U.S.A. ' t.Anira can wkar snore on alt mallr aftar uamg Allan a foaW V.mtr. Hi- An(n-pll- pnd-r la b thakaa t to ill hua It makra tlfhl or aaar ahoae trr may Ulva r-t and cnrnfnrt. Hafuaa aihailiite Ynr rHBM trial packaga, drraa Allaa a Olmalad. La Hoy, N. I. Ad. THE BEST TREATMENT FOR ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR To allay Itching and Irritation of (be icalp, prevent dry, tbln and falling balr, remove crust, acales and dandruff, dan-druff, and promote the growth and beauty of tbe balr, the following special spe-cial treatment Is most effective, agree-sbU agree-sbU and economical. On retiring, comb tbe balr out straight all around, then bagin at the side and make a I waa entirely cured. I cannot discover ment Into the parting with a bit of soft flannel held over tbe end of the finger. Anoint additional partlnga about balf an Inch apart until the whole scalp has been treated, tbe purpose pur-pose being to get tba Cutlcura Ointment Oint-ment on tbe scalp skin rather than on tbe balr. It I well to place a light covering over the hair to protect tb pillow from possible stain. The next morning, shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Shampoos alone may bo used a often as agreeable, but one or twice a month 1 generally sufficient for thla apeclal treatment for women's balr. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aold throughout tbe world. Sample of each free, with 12 p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura. Dept L, Boston." Adv. . Kill the Files Now and Prevent dlwwj. A PAI3Y FLY KILLER will do II Kill" Ihounan'li. Laata all aeaaon. Alldralart (rail sent sipreas paid for l. H. bOMKHU, I'M Le Kali) Ara., bruoklya, X. Y. Adv. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realize tbe fact that thousands of women are cow using A Soluble Antiseptic PowJer as s remedy for mucous membrsne a fections, such as sore throat, nasal oi pelvic catarrh. Inflammation or ulcere-tlon, ulcere-tlon, caused by female Ills? Wome who have been cured aay "it is worth Ita weight In gold." Dissolve In water and apply locally. For ten years ths Lydla K. Plnkliara Medicine Co. bas recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses It bas no equsl. Only f.Oc a large box at Druggists Drug-gists or aent postpaid on receipt of price. Tbe Paxlon Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. S To Women Broken Down? S Whathar It's from boalnaai r-, a, B houaxhoid drtadirarr or arrrqufil S rhild-baaiing. you naad a kMtnrativ) S Tonic and Mrvttgla -giving Hamam JT and KagaJatar. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription C ia roinatdd aa aoek. having tin tS cvimpirtiniiwi to aet In harmonr wtta 3 woman prtitif ty dalkaiaana aapat. B liraargaauauoa. C Your Druggist Will Surely Toy I L. DOUGLAS &&sl fK'rrHtSo AND 5;o ( fc M bj& shoes fcf i mm yX$A FOR MEN AND WOMEN fl Mf Tka largeat soakers el i I Jlfjfi lSS Maa'a $3 M sad S4-00 jfa&:hJ ( ytjP . J h'-K- sho In the world. Yi If V XaY-Ji ViSfiiL ' VI a vr 4 tor to iw yaa Nfc.1 C. T If kl vfA -' - iagiaaaajMi. a-.ee gy I jjitwii t - Vj't a4.Se ah an. Jaat aagnmt laaty te, 1 I ,;A HI"" v',-A 4 r a miHmr aaaaea . i tog OS S) ta 07 04) t . ipihi SK ,' -? aalr Jlflati to lea artra. ahoea la all J J! A J ' A l-t kr. a'e anf ahaaw la anil aar flMMty . eA ajgC TV I 't Wjli I' yaa eMl. vtoll t. I. iagla large f - ,.4r J J rtoa a4 Hrw . M . aaa a tar r foil waew" f g, g C ' "r rare! all W. I- iMtagla ahuea ara mad. VVrX JCM f K . ' ' fa waola laea aaMlerataaa ah lha ara a arraaleaf aSTi Jr kY " --- 5(V la SI hattar. laah hwtler, hM laair hapa aaa aaar JTX I -iX- . laagar haa aaf albar aaaaa lar th .rra. I Jf. f vV Otv. . II w. L. I"egi aa ai ta nr femaf antar I ( ,' aaJat a-v S' ' Jpv fra lacT al la atrfiaVMa rc ilJf i M ' 1, ah- twrt ,iWl faa.it. at atl na. m F , j3 wlii Ki, 1 ral M tr. rti, W I UmtrmfH dW JJ LL EZ ...XL atalaa. It fm k ta a !. f I fl, T, TAKt WO ar n4 mkf Bn aaaar aa raa. -' aUBHTTTUTg Mr. I. ael BI.H . . Siraahtaa. SSaaa. . ..A I " I MAmHBALBAM I E. BURTOsl ?H;W.r0 n l uu - i --LL. If T II. 'p-'la p.-M t,..!4. an. Im4. si wae v I f..M.Mi.. r..... ksa f,i jrt, iMt frMtt aa 4ua, arlaaa m lata a4 L.rnlru' i-e" I aIUa. - B aa at t aa fawr ar atoa Haw. (t. anaaa, L.ariiaaia hial Saaa. J4 a.aa'l'Ta I FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS SUCH IN CUSATIVB OUAXtTtES ron aaoKAOMC aMguasariaat KiOMira aaa autooca ! PUTNAM FADELESS DYES r, I I 1 11 I li f fi f r ' - iw.a..i-.,1..Jlto.TW.aahaUiaiilainWaa.ai.V SjaaTSaraaaSaaSy! MaVtaSya, MtaacS aaa Urn CaU WOWaoC OSCfc C1.V. Qahaay. 1, |