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Show FOR MORE IMPROVED ROADS j Much Valuable Assistance Rendered ' by Office of Public Roads Per-Ishable Per-Ishable Products Wasted. Many of the mod' I hlKhway laws In tarious states have been prepared un- j ler the advice of tbe road experts of j :he department of agriculture, and j ill the data and statistics of the ollUe j )f public roads are at the dispcsul of .he legislatures. In tbe last bulletin of the office of public roads It was stated that at th" :lose of 1909. H C per cent, of the oads In the United States were Improved. Im-proved. This represents a gain In the j otal road mileage Improved for the! ive-year period. I9'it-i:i9, f 1 12 p r :ent., or. In other words, the per :entage of Improved rosds has in-:reased in-:reased during this period from 7.11 .o 8.C6 per rent. In the three years that have rtaped ilnce then. It Is roughly . estimated hat the percentage of improved roads las gone well twtond 9 per rent , and possibly close to 10 per rent It Is estimated that If 2a per rent, of the jublle highways were Improved ach highway being selected and Improved Im-proved with a view to tbe proportlon-ite proportlon-ite traffic upon It a high degree of ffJetency in highway transportation rotlld be reached. It Is figured that nilliona of dollars would be saved ar tually In tbe transportation of crops, be wear and tear "On horses and ve-ilele, ve-ilele, aad la the minimising of the rsste la track farming. Where roads ir bad. tbe farmers frequently find It m possible to get tbelr products tm shipping polote and thus peril b-,&! b-,&! products are wasted, perceptibly creasing tbe cost of living |