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Show KANOSH HAPPENINGS La Prell Halsey, Reporter. We are having nice weather again now after having a few days of fierce wind. About two weeks ago Mr. James Day ot this town took seriously 111 at Cove Fort about twenty-three mllea from here. His wife was called to his bedside, bed-side, also Dr. Hamilton of Heaver, who did all he could for hint. He remained re-mained them a few days until be was able to be brought on home. As soon as be reached here Dr. 8teven of Fillmore was summoned, but found that he could do nothing here, so had to take hlru to Fillmore, where b could tend to him every day. but finding find-ing that he did not Improve he waa taken to Salt Lake, where he passed away April 30. Mr. Day was about fifty-nine years of age. He leaves a devoted wife and a great number of relative, and friends to tnoura hikiv-. i .- - Funral services were helif here May 3. , The district school closed Friday. May 2, and we are proud to ray that there were more graduates this year than any previous year, the number being nineteen. They were as follows: Kmma Hunter, Calla Penney, Hilda Cummlngs, Josle Paxton, Afton George, Idonna Penney, Mary Wright, Grace Whltaker, Jennie Watts, Josle nird. Delia Paxton. La Prea! Halsey. Preal Ceorge. Ofie Rogers, I,orln Hunter, Hun-ter, Clinton Penney, Floyd Avery. Thomas Whatcott and Almon Penney. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Day, May 4, leaving a bouncing boy. Miss Ktelka Watts is borne from Salt Lake, visiting with her mother and relatives. Mr. Morris Hunter, who has been stteudlng high school In Fillmore this winter, la home. , Kanosh has a confectionary store, the proprietor being Miss Aneta Abraham Abra-ham and Mlsa Flora Rlrd. |