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Show and you have certainly misunderstood me. You ran easily ace tbe un:'etant position In which this report pla.' ui with, not only Dresser and the friends of the Chronicle, but with citizens generally. gen-erally. 1 am a public officer and have no right to any anything wbl.:h dls rredlta Dresser's paper or yours either. I have said nothing which cuuld be Interpreted In-terpreted to do this, and certainly do not want to be represented aa narrow and unfair when there Is nothing to warrant or even auggest such a charge. In writing for you or tbe Cbronlclo my sole purpose has been to give tbe public certain Information I bad on school matters of conern to the county. I do not favor one paper over the other, and shall continue to take this attitude. Now, In Justice to me and to put me right before the public, and for the sake of good newspaper policy, I Insist In-sist that you correct the error mentioned. men-tioned. Yours very truly, A. J. ASHMAN. Now, what do you think of an editor who will attribute a false statement to a public officer and then refuse to rectify It? It shows that he Is lack Ing In common horse sense a well as decency. Superintendent Ashman has treated both papers Impartially. He sends to both papera all public in altera al-tera relating to. the schools, but because be-cause in respond to a request from the editor he writes an article on consolidation con-solidation for the Chronicle the small brained editor of tbe Fillmore postage stamp geta sore and attributes a statement to the suerfntendent that has no foundation whatever. He made the same kind of a break when in charged the previous board of 'ounty commissioners with tnlxappro-irlating tnlxappro-irlating road money, and he bad to tpologlse. Hmlth ought to get a Job terdlng sheep or driving a milk vagon. As an alleged editor ho can uake more trouble and discord than a lunjch of gossiping old women. I, A OENIAL. ' The Profresa-Revlew Refuses to Publish Pub-lish Denial from A. J. Ashman. The following letter was sent to tbe . Progreas-Hevlew by County Supt. Ash man. but as that sheet did not see fit to print It, It Is published In the Chronicle so our readers can see what a chuckle beaded falsifier the Pro- gross Ilevtew editor Is: Salt Lake City, April 39, 1913. 1 Editor Progress Review, ' Fillmore. I'tah: Dear Blr: I read, yesterday ypur article written 1 hi reply to the Chronicle In which you quote me aa aaylng that I would rather write for the Progress than for "Dreeser's rate To be perfectly frank 1 wish to Inform you that .you have misquoted me entirely. I am sure that 1 have never said aucb a thing |