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Show LITTLE TROUBLES OF UDDER Immense Amount of Worry, Work and Loss Can Be Saved If Ailing Cow Is Isolated. By PR. A n. At.KXANDFri. Wisconsin Agricultural College ) Dairymen would aave themselves an Immense amount of worry, work and loss If they Instantly Isolated a cow when anything Is Been to be wrong with her udder. Infection from germa Is present In nearly all cases of mammltls (garget) of tbe udder. The Infection Is often carried from the diseased cow to other cows by the mllker'e hands; or the Infection spreads from stall floors and gutters contaminated by milk, or pus from a caked udder. The contents of a diseased udder should never be milked milk-ed onto the stall floor. The affected cow should be milked last, or by someone some-one who does not milk the other cows. All mllRers should be careful to wash their hands frequently and to keep their fliigvr nails short and clean. Stall floors should be kept clean, disinfected and adequately covered with frech. clean bedding material. If cement stall floors are used, the rear third of each should be boarded over, el tie chronic congestion and garget may result from chilling or bruising of the Udder. "lleware of the nonsterlltr.ed milking milk-ing tube. It carries infective matter and leads to loss of the quarter or udder. The milking tube Is a most dangeroua Instrument unless cleansed by boiling for twenty minutes before use. Lastly, remember that Immediate, Intelligent persistent treatment must be given to the diseased udder; that the most good Is accomplished In the first twenty four hours of treatment; that delayed treatment usually proves futile, end that the cow should not be stabled or pastured with other cows before her udder has become perfectly sound. |