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Show VERY HANDY STABLE SCRAPER Implement May Be Made Out of Old Broken Stable Fork Useful In Gathering Particles. A very handy stable acraper may be made out of an old broken stable fork. Secure a board about five Inches wide and about eight Inches longer Jg nfiW I J J Stable Scraper. than the fork Is wide. In one edge of the board bore aa many holes as there are tinea to the fork, running them In about three Inches. One edge of the board la beveled. After the coarse manure Is thrown out this scraper will be found handy in gathering gather-ing up the finest particles Result of Coed Care. Ybe dairy cow had a good start and foundation In the ralf. and It makes no difference If she Is good or bad, these qualities are due to aome extent ex-tent to the care and feed she received during her first year or so. If you bave a calf from a good cow and expect to build a. good dairy row from ber you ran almost surpass your expectations snd astonish your neighbors by giving tbe calf a little extra rare 'and attention before she has her first calf. Tbe prospecta of a good dairy cow can also be ruined in tbe rair. Oalry Business Spreading. Tbe dairy business is reaching out Into new territory every year It knows ao boundary and ia just as well adapted to the north aa tbe south. It Is going farther south each seasoa sad also farther aa into Canada. |