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Show WHERE HER THOUGHTS WERE Woman'e Idaaa Eminently Practical, Though Not Quite Following Hue-band" Hue-band" a Reading. Tbe husband waa reading a newspaper newspa-per account to hla wife. Now and then he paused and aaked a question Tbe nature of her rapllea made him doubt that ahe waa listening cloaely. He accused her of having thought elaewhere. and aha Indignantly retorted retort-ed that ahe had heard every word. He continued reading for a few minutes min-utes and then glanced at her. Krom the far-away look In her eyes he knew her thoughts were not upon the Item he waa reading. Bo, turning the sheet aa an eicuae for the pause, he continued con-tinued aa follows: "l.aet night, at about two o'clock In the afternoon, Just a few minutes before be-fore breakfast, a hungry boy about slrty years old, bought a doughnut for nine pins twenty feet thick. With a cry of deapalr he jumperj Into a dry mlllpond, broke hla arm at tbe knee Joint and waa drowned. It waa only ten yeara later, on the same day and at the earn hour .that a goat gave birth to all elephanta. A high wind then came up and killed three dead horaea and a wooden cigar Indian What do you think of that, dear?" he queattoned auddenly. Hhe gave a little start, amlied and aald: "I think that a a splendid bargain. Henry. Yotl had bette" get a half doien, for your stock of s...rts Is low." - Puck. |