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Show Curious Swiss Building Law. A pecujlur building regulation Is la force in most puns of Switzerland. It Is required that before the erection of a new building, frame or screeds must be erected to murk out thu shape of the building In profile as well as In plan. In practice this amounts to erecting at each angle of the building build-ing a pole or maht with a projecting triangular fruiao attached to It at tbe cornice level to Indicate the height and projection of the cornice. The purpose of tbe rule apparently Is to bring out. In advance of construction, con-struction, the archltectual relations of tbe building to adjoining structures and to tbe district In which it lies, both for aiding the municipal authorities authori-ties In passing upon the plans from the archltectual view point and giving the neighboring owners an opportunity oppor-tunity to Judge or tbe effect or the proposed pro-posed new building upon tbelr Inter sts. |