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Show tatlon, "Somebody's Mother," by Helen Max field; duet, "Sliver Threads Among the Gold." by Mamie Pattoti and Sylvia Turner; quotations on Mother from the following Junior class girls: Leila Siapley, Viola Turner, Florence Cook, Jetta Hunker and Kdllh Hunker. The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock and everybody Is Invited. In-vited. Investigation shows that there are a good many Woodmen of the World in and around Delta, and an effort Is t obe made to organize a lodge here. All those who are members of the order or would like to become members, mem-bers, are Invited to meet at the Delta llakery on next Tuesday evening and see If an organization cannot be ef-lected. ef-lected. A number of the musicians are Interesting In-teresting themselves In trying to organize or-ganize a band. There are quite a number of players and Instruments in town and It is requested that all those interested on forming a band meet at the Kelly Hotel this (Thursday) evening and try and organize. Delta needs a band and It Is hoped the efforts ef-forts to form one will be successful. Hlshop ic Wallace are erecting a new warehouse to accommodate their Increasing stock of goods. The rough plaster finish and new coat of paint have greatly Improved the appearance of the Dunsniore Hotel. J. T. Ilrower has turned his farm the Drainage Farm. Mr. Ilrower thinks his land has the best natural drainage of any piece on the west tract. Judge Greenwood passed through Delta Monday on his way to Fillmore,, There was a good attendance at the meeting of the West Delta Water I'sers' Association last Saturday. A lieuthauser and N. U. Dresser, the committee appointed to see about getting get-ting appropriations of land for the new county road reported that they bad secur the names of a number of 'farmer 'nrvwwrTmnr tSTrtSirrihe necessary allotment. They will alao secure appropriations from non-resident owners of land. Over 30 farmers have signed agreements to put In two days each on the road. Pres'dent Watt was appointed to represent the Association on the central body of the Western Millard County Farmers' I'nlon to plan for meetings and demonstration demon-stration work for the newly anointed farm demonstrator. The engineers have about completed the preliminary survey of the proposed pro-posed branch railway through the north tract. We hope soon to publish a map of the tract with the route of the railway, the county roads, the telephone line, school houses and er-baps er-baps farm houses. This will show In a very graphic way the'advanced stage of development this new district ha already achieved. Jenkins Pros', west side store seems to have supplied want in the community com-munity and Robert Jenkins, who has charge of the business, reports a constantly con-stantly Increasing trsde. JEWS Of ft WEE Kill AND AROUND DELTA Record of the Important Erenta of Pait Seven Daji in the Newest Town. There will be a farewell party and dance for F. 8. Lyman at the ward ball on Friday evening of tbla week. Mr. Lyman leaves Salt Lake on the Hth on a mission to Great Britain. Every one Is Invited to come out and give the missionary a good send off. In traveling around over, on the w est side we note that the farmers are nearly all sotting out some trees. Gus Neumyer haa got 1100 catalpa trees to set out around his farm. Frank Helse Is setting out a model orchard with a great variety of fruit trees. Including In-cluding small frulta and grape vines, ' He Is ready to believe that almost any thing will grow In this country. Coien-ing Coien-ing & McClaln are putting out a 15-acre 15-acre orchard principally In ear and apple, on their farm, to which they have given the name of Alfadeena. They are also putting out 400 share trees, and on their lot In town they have.put out a number of cherry and plum trees. Lewis Koch's peach and plum trees have blossomed this year and he expects to get some fruit. The editor has planted on Norman-dale Norman-dale Farm 60 fruit trees and f0 Carolina Caro-lina poplars. A good many treea have also been planted around town this spring. Dark cloth window shades at Miller's Mil-ler's for 60c. Saturday haa been designated as clean up day In Delta. . Kvery one Is expected to come out and burn up the weeds around their places and ' :" "put the to'nln a cfeattabio shape for next Tuesday when the Salt Lake boosters pay us a visit. - At the meeting of the town board last week Curt Stewart was made a member of the board In place of F. S. Lyman, who Is leaving on a mission. Mrs, James A. Melville came down with Mr. Melville last week from Salt Lake and Is enjoying the delightful spring weather of this section. She expects 'to make a visit to Fillmore next week. We are sorry to lose the services ot Mr. J. Frank Day who has served very faithfully as the Fillmore correspond ent of the Chronicle. Mr. Day always furnished the Important news of the county seat,, and If he sometimes found some of the Fillmore readers lacking lu a sense of humor his correspondent corre-spondent was always eagerly read. ' Beautiful box seat parlor chairs at A. Millers. Next Tuesday Is Millard County Day and we hope there will be a big crowd out to meet our distinguished and entertaining guests from Salt Lake. President Hinckley will give the address of welcome and Superintendent Superin-tendent A. J. Ashman, of Fillmore will peak of the resources and advantages of Millard Coutxy. The crowd will meet at the race track In the forenoon to enjoy the sports thst are to be pulled off. On the arrival of the special spe-cial train with the visitors at 1:30 there will be a parade to the grand stand, where the speaking exercises will take place If the weather la favorable, favor-able, otherwise they will proceed to the ward ball. Hinckley, Deseret and Oasla are expected to provide some speakers for the occasion who will talk on the advantagea offered by their towns and they are invited to participate partici-pate In the parade with an exhibition of their best stock. As the special will atop here only about an hour the program pro-gram cannot be a long one. Held s band and Fred Graham's singers will, ; provide music and some of the visitors visit-ors will make short talk. Kverybody ; turn out and give them a hearty wel- I some. We learn from a Welser paper that ! Miss Octavla Murphy, formerly of Delta, won the prize in the state I declamatory contest recently held at , Pocatello. Wbat adds to the distlnc i tiontlon Is the fact that Miss Mnrpuy i was the only freshman student thst I entered Ihe contest, Next Sunday la "Mother's Day." and i a conjoint meeting has been arranged i for at which the following program I will be rendered: Talk on Prophet Joseph Smith's mother by Willi Ly I man; quartette, "Gentle Mother. Iear." by J. Avery Bishop and company; reel- |