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Show HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES Wife so Weak and Nerroua Could Not Stand Leat Noite How Cured. llnnford, Ala. "I was to weak and nervous while passing- through tba I.-.: ".!-,., I Chang of Lif that I could hardlT live. -f "i My husband bad U f l V nail rubber on all tb 1 ntesfdrleoaldnot Sh3 f J Stand It to bar a fate lam. j "I also bad back- ' TsA 1 ach and a fullnes lA'AAL noticed that Lydla I'AliA JM E.Pinkham'iVeje-I E.Pinkham'iVeje-I ubU compound was advertised for such case and I sent and got a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking- it and found it to be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted aa I waa. "-Mrs. F. P. MtULXHDOax, lloa-f lloa-f ord, Alabama. An Honest Dependable MedlcixM la Lydla E. Flnkhem'a Vegetable Compound. Com-pound. A Root and Herb medicine originated orig-inated nearly forty years ago by Lydla . Pinkham of Lynn, Mass.. for coo-trolling coo-trolling female ilia. Its wonderful saccea In this Hue haa made it tbe safest and most dependable medicine of the ag for women and ra woman suffering from female ilia doea herself justice who doea Dot give it a trial. If yon bare the) slightest doubt that Lydla K. l'lnkhasa's Vegeta-i Vegeta-i trie Compound will bed pyosx, writ to Ly d la 1J.P1 n k bam MedlcinaCoa (co all dent la I ) Lyan.Maaforad-Tlce. Lyan.Maaforad-Tlce. Your letter will l opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in trie con fid core. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nina times in ten when the Bwer k right the stomach and bowels ara right CARTER'S UTILE UVER PIUS y grnUy but firmly coriv 1 Tf g,'a5,te7 carters CueV Cow W,TTLt tipatioav la- f IIIVER aUgeatiea, HIUI. Sell 2r Wa L. Haadack, W' aad Dtetree Atar LaMaf. SXALL rUL, SMALL DOSX. SMALL FTICX. Genuine must bear Signature m I W. N. U, ftait Lea City, Na. lt-1114 |