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Show PAINFUL, TRYING TIMES 11 Housework Is k hard enough for boalthy worn- fl an. The wife 3 who baa a bad ft back, who Is ''il weak or tired ? all the tlmo. 7 ' And her duties a heavy burden. Thousands or I nervous, dls-couraged. dls-couraged. sick- V'-C " women have trced their "Every rictus TUj troubles to sick j Awe," kidneys have found quick and thorough relief through using Dean's Kidney Tills. The painful, trying times of woman's Ufa are much easier to I bear If the kidneys are well a California Caee Mu. I.Wilili, I mill Avar. Nun FranHans I Cit., uiva: '- timl mnett ftlmrft, hMilioif Mlna tlmui,ii mr kulm-? . Uiwiuml ih a tiin b.-ttm ilirnt Into niH. Mr lm-fc iu an laui I i rf-tttrt hnr1lrtNa liiian' Kti1nr I'tHftf-an-d ui alter diMiUir faitoil. 1 bvhiMl twitmublfialaua." ' Gat Doaa'a at Ant Stora, 50a Bo DOAN'S W.T FOSTER MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. llaia you liHilra. hhukhpada ar frwklra? Tht-y ari ariulna. dlBKuatlMM Vnn alinulil -t fill of lli.in at nm-. rriamlrr" I .rram i n 1 1 h mnifii- Our great aoerlal alTar will Iffti-rtt von i'artlrillara I Tf If vnu wrlta at iu a. H. Innrr a a., nut HI i III HlrtfC, Nrw Vurlt, .N. 1.. Iiept. IV Mo4 Chest of SHvcr" Rminili Ilka lha rlara of lh buocanear Oil Ca'thi KliM. Wa r howlof about lwintr eaeva ol allrar mora valuable lhan anr "ol o il," ina1a to me tvty mail time, ami not to tibia awav. You ran buj tour labia mare In i Uria, or a Plata at uma). U LA u IX UTAH Her photograph that a girl thinks looks Just like her Is one ber own mother wouldn't be able to recognize. Bank by Mail Jt You can do business at rf "The Old Bank" by mall r$f!i aa easily and aafety aa If Yi! ' you came In peraon. 'Hl'i Write for Information. !''!!!!.'('S "!!ii"' i! Walker Brothers SgiilJ Bankers Si!!!!!! . , I'lllllMIt Salt Lake City '"mnmi foundee In lS. wljiJll -A Towor of 8trn(h.M " - - Kven the man who kuows it all seldom gets a chance to tell It after he gets married. I Fino Monuments ! for Little Money ' Oar VnV.K lloaklat , l.lela HIS Varlalr II 11 laa tbas month to Dar-ore- ; tloo di. too I- ougbt to rt that r (2 ' Monument be- , "' inrathxn. Klai-e ' luMMini Toeav lor our r ' lJ bun1- Alaore- 1 I y KUfl mir luauUa ; - vaialoKua. i Elias Morris & Sons Co. II U W. aa. Ta-ab St.. Salt Laka Can j i Menuments Marble Infers. Tile Wort Monties i f-wfr vrl a rosin ve aaa r EaU ''JivH fcJ MANtNT CURE F0K Jrrfnrt uor '" L.sayjj Drug Addictions Tkara k aa aaaldir, aa aWaaata. liim rli m f'"1!" la (Mr an Um. THE Hf tl lT IN. iTUUIt m . taalk taana. Sttmt. Uk UU Cf rnil 8 LATEST ILLL'HTHAT-alllala ILLL'HTHAT-alllala Kli CAIAl-iKiUK. Kiplalita I a gl how l4-ai'b barlwr Iraila In M rtiiht wfi-li". Tail or wrliai mimmm' molcr aaaacR collcoc j It Commercial Mlrrat a ALT LAkK t.ll r Important to Mother Examine c.arelully every bottle of CASTOKIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and tea that It Signature of CiC&U In Use Tor Over 30 Yean. Children Cry for Fletcher! Caatori |