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Show they have been working for the past three months. MIms Gladys ltohins, who attend the State High School at Fillmore, made a short visit home Saturday. On her arrival she wa surprised to find a new piano awaiting her at her home. Mr. Melville was In town last week on business which later tuay be reported. re-ported. At the present writing Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson are both very ill. Mr. Roberta, for the Cane Threshing Machine Co.. made a abort sto; here-last here-last week, white on his way to Oast. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huff loft today for their ranch at Meadow, where they Intend to spend the summer. We are having: dry, windy, disagreeable disagree-able weather with heavy frosts. The farmers say the land Is too dry. Mrs. Miller left today for a threw months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bailey, In Idaho. NEWS NOTES OF SCIPIO Since last writing the tork has brought Mr. and Mr. HJerregard, and and Mr. and Mra. Will Dradfield, each a baby boy, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ol-sen Ol-sen a baby girl. All at present are feeling fine. Last week Mr. Thomas Memmott was brought home from Holden quite seriously hurt Mr. Memmott wa on his way from Fillmore wtn-n hi horses became frightened and rn away, throwing him from bis buggy, wbere be waa found later by some people peo-ple traveling In an auto, who kindly took him Into Holden He I feeling better the last few days. School rlosed Aittil 2Cth. Msny tudent were pleated and a few disappointed dis-appointed when they reeeired tbelr cards of promotion. Tbe aame day a party was given In tbe evening for tbe teachera by tbe seventh and eighth grades. Lunch was served, followed by a splendid progrsm, K nines and danrlng. Mias Myra Martin went to Provo last Saturday where she will visit I rrlends and relatives. Miss Susan Mlddleton. after a 1 ihort visit with Mr. and Mrs. HJ-rre-tsrd. left Monday for her home In redar. Henry Miller and Edward Peterson i have returned from Idaho, where 1 |