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Show DRY FARMING IS. EXPLAINS j Means Conservation ef Moisture li Soil Throughout Year Harrow- j Ing Will Retain Water. Eastern people have oo ad eo.ua ti Idee, of what la meant by dry farming Tbey think aome sort of magic lurki In arid soil which makes the see germinate and grow Into marveloui yields of grain without the aid of an moieture. Dry farming doea not mean farming with no water, but means tbe conservation of the watai In tbe soil throughout tbe year. Dee pit the hot winds of summer, dee plowing and constant harrowing attei every rain will retain the molstUM In the soil. I heard an apple growei at a dry farming congress In Cheyenne Chey-enne tell of an experiment ho made He plowed a unit of ground, keeptni tbe mulch secure. The following yeai he again plowed thla ground and also plowed another unit He continued thla for ten years ao at the end of that time he had ten unite plowed and bar-rowed, bar-rowed, one having been plowed for th full length of time and on but for on year. He then bored with an earth auger to find the depth of moisture to tbe varloue units of ground, with th result that In the first year unit then waa only a trace of moisture under th mulch, not enough for farming. In tb second unit there waa a little mol ture, but hardly enough to maintain a crop. The third year unit had quite a little moisture and tbe ten-year unit had ten feet of moisture. Tberelors It can be seen that dry farming li sometimes uncertain for the first few years and thla should be understood by anyone contemplating using tbal method. It requires some capital, but the well-to-do farmer baa an opportunity op-portunity to make a lot of money. Dry farming grain ripena earlier than Irrigated land and the dry farmer haa an opportunity to make a lot ol monay. Dry farming grain ripeua earlier than Irrigated land and tbt dry farmer baa not the trouble or expense ex-pense of Irrigating. Some people claim that the summer fallowing of land I done to hold enough of the summer' moisture to start the crop that fall. Thla Is true, but the summer fallowing doe more than that It haa been proven time and again that moisture la carried over from one year to another by summer fallowing. See that ihe summer fallowing fal-lowing is done well and you need bave no fear of tbe dry weather In most sections sec-tions of Montana. |