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Show eluded in the above list will organise in the near future. Mr. Welch was much interested la hlii visit here and thinks this county has a great future before It He left on Wed n fad ay for Logan to complete his work there. He expect to be back the 10th of June to remain permanently. perm-anently. In the meantime we hope to have some articles from 4oth Mr. Welch and Dr. Kvana on some of the problems that confront the farmers In till county. - WESTERN MILLARD COUNTY FARMERS' UNION. John Reeve. President of the central cen-tral body of the Western Millard County Farmers' t'nlon. with Dt. K. J. Kvans. of the V. S. Department of Agriculture, and Joseph P. Welch, the farm demonstrator for thl seounty, met the farmers at Deseret and Oasis and completed tbe organizations for these places. The organization al Deseret consists of Joseph Moody, president; J. 'V. Hlack. vice-president; Gerald Hennett. aecretary treasurer. At Oasis the following are the officers: offi-cers: A. C. Chrlstensen. president; J. C. Ilawlev, first vice-president; Peter -Peterson, second vlce-prenldent; N. I Peterson, secretsry treasurer. The Hinckley organization has for of Beers Hert KoMnson. president; Jacob 1 Langsmn. vice president; P. G, Peterson, Peter-son, secretary treasurer. At Abraham Abra-ham Itonald llogan Is president; W. ' I. Carey. flrt vice-president; E. J. Hebler. second vice president; Marcus . secretary treasurer. The Delta otganlzarion baa N 8 Hlshop. 1 preslden;; Irvln Jeffery. vice presl- I ient; Willis Lyman, aecretary treaa-urer treaa-urer A. Watt, president and Fred ' King secretary will repersent tbe Wat- rr l'ers Association on tbe west aide ind probably the president and sec re- I Isry of the south side Commercial I Hub will represent that body. The 1 rentral body ta organised with John ! Reeve, president; N. S. Hlshop. vice, resident and N. B Dresser, aecretary treasurer. Other districts not la I |