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Show K. . DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor Subeorlptlon Price 12 par Year, Mentha 11.23 Advertising Ratea. Card a, fl per Inch per month; die-flay die-flay ada 10c per Inch, single column, r taoata. Discount for large space1 "" Jteaataf aotlo 10 cents per line first hutaruoa, I oents each subsequent 1b eertioa. Catered aa Second-claas matter July 1 4. 1111, at the poet office at Delta, Utah, ander act of March 3. 1879. 4alt Lake Office, SMS S. W. Temple St DON'T FEED CREAM ferJSI TO THE fiB$fa jFWf4 CALVES IrIfA If yoa are skimming1 J I l III your milk by any setting fl V V v4 I -W V J or dilation method or are f , C-p l YY J J j sing an inferior or worn J V I I ont cream separator yoa I I If are sural y feeding a lot of batter-fat to year J U S i calvca and pigs that is worth from 25 to fj 30 cents a poond. Yoa may think tbia ia too small a losa to amoant to tnach, bat when yoa fifura that it heppeaa twice a day, 365 day a a year, yoa will find that a De Laval Separator would save its cost every six months over any kind Of "gravity " skimming and every year over any interior or worn oat separator. Get a clean skimming DE LAVAL Separator aa soon as yoa can and gel all tbe money that ia coming1 to yoa ' from the prod act of yoar coat We can make yoa a liberal allowance for yonr press at separator, if yoa have one, and, if more convenient for yoa, can also arrange for a partial payment at time of purchase and balance oa eaay payments. If yoa want to ace for yourself jnst how mach mors cream yoa can get with a De Laval 1st as set up a machine for yoa and have yoa try it oat for yourself. Jast 'phone or drop as a postal and we will be glad to brin a maculae oat to yoar place. 9 BISHOP & WALLACE CO. j D DELTA U flnizizizzzsnnnnnncznnnnnnnnnunnnnn Our West Side Store Is now open and stocked with a complete line of Groceries, Grocer-ies, Canned Goods, Flour and other staple goods, SAVE A TRIP TO TOWN by getting your goods from u. If you have to go to Delta stop in and see our stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. We carry everything you need. Jenkins Bros. Delta HATSHATSHATS . We have them for Men, Women and Children. All siiea and prices. SHOES SHOES SHOES We can supply the whole family with shoes in a great variety of styles and prices. Golden Rule Store GEO. DAY : : DELTA Beware the Fly! His trail carries filth and diseate. Keep him out of your bouse and food by using our SCREEN DOORS. ' i Hold him down with a few sheeta of our TANGLE-FOOT. If he escapes these, use our KING FLY SWATTER. We also carry SCREEN DOOR SETS AND LOCKS, AND WINDOW SCREENS. Start your campaign against the fly NOW. BISHOP & WALLACE CO., DELTA WHICKER BROS. THE ORIGINAL WELL DRILLERS In MiHanf County. We have had long experience and NEVER FAIL in giving perfect satisfaction. We have made wells where ethers have failed. We take less time than any of our competitors. We aak no more than men of no experience. For references inquire of nine-tenths ' of the well-ownere of Millard. See us before contracting your job. WHICKER BROS, ; DELTA BflllaY flflTO flffl MAIL FROM DELTA AND OASIS TO HOLOEN AND FILLMORE AND RETURN, Tahe this line for a quick, safe and comfortable trip. Leave ecdere at any of the hotels. We leave Delta and Oaaie every mornieg eftar the arrival of the train and return in the afternoon. FUNK, KILPACK G ncDRIDE DELTA OASIS FILLMORE e HKLDIV OFFERS YOU A REAL OPPORTUNITY Read what a man who has lived there for forty-two years says: 1 have lived In Ruby Vall.-y for the This man atarted In Ituby Valley past forty two years and take pleasure with very email means. Now he has ,ni!,rl0?v.,Oa l!m ,olloln 'cu r,T a Urge, prosperous ranch, and la one , I. ouit? HkZt1 nV'th TC,B f m """J " mate la quite like that or the nioun- , .... . ..... tain valleya of Utah, especially that farmer of Independent meana." What i of Cache Valley. Our aprlng oena nM lon" ,n Rub VUr many olh- , 1 about two weka later than In Salt n dn. H not an entirely I lake valley. Uiough we rarely have Dew country, but oa tbe contrary I frost after the crops begin to grow. there are prosperous ranches on all I We ralae such small graina aa aides - I wheat, oats, barley, rye. corn and all Tb. Ruby v.ll; Und & Irrigation corn and watermelons, and In tb. w.y r",onl" lh """ ". of fruit we raise sll hind- of apples. fertile lands and to establish a town. J cherrlea. pluma and small fruit, euch The eucreea the announcements thus 1 as raspberries and strawberries. Qur ve met with Indlcatea that many 1 cropa are unusually certain; In fact, people appreciate a real opportunity there has been no crop fsllure In the n H offered. forty-two yeara I have ba In the We have publlabed a booklet tell- Valley. Ing the things you ought to know t Ituby valley Is one of the best wat- about Ruby Valley If you are In any ered valleys In Nevsda. having an al- way Interested In farm landa. It tells nest Ineihauatlble supply from tbe where Ituby Valley Is. bow to get . Ruby mountains, and with a reservoir there, what kind of soli there Is. where : to hold back the water for late use. the water cornea from, bow much the ' I feel that you have a good propoel- land sells for. and all the other things 1 tloa. you will want to know f b h Ruby Valley Land Irrigation Co. r TAYLOR BROS., Agents ! Hotel Utah Huilding Salt Lake City j Ogden AKent, J. F. Walker, Under Utah Nitional Bank - FOR SALE. A registered Berkshire boar three ears old and la fin coadltlon J. B. PRATT, Hinckley. |