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Show BIG APPETITES OF BIRDS In Proportion to Their Weight They Eat More Than Any Other Living Thing. Hlrds. in proportion lo their weight, probably rat more than any other living liv-ing thing. It la a mystery to naturalists natural-ists how the ring dove flies after Its accustomed meal. One dove waa found with 6110 pea In lis crop; another, In raptlvlty, wss known lo eat 1X0 beech-uuta beech-uuta at a time, and a third devoured 60 acorns. The robin often eats two and one-half tlms Ita weight In 24 houra, while a bimyard hen. with chicks has been obtmrved to resume eating 475 tlmea In the course of a day. The diet of a certain speclea of hawk composes about J.oon mire In the course of a month, beside other i food. In the mouth of a young heron j were found three trout, each weighing three-quart rs of a pound. Another wae found with aeven small trout In Its mouth, a mouse and a thruah, evl-j dently on Ita way to Its nest. The ! growing bird seems to have an appe-1 tlte equal to that of the adult.- liar-, pefe Weekly. j |