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Show TREES. . Anybody needing flrstclaa frutt trees in first-rlaas condition tail on or write HOSEA 8TOUT, Hinckley. 8EED GRAIN. First class red chaff wheat nd khersou oaU for seed. A. LKl'TMU'SER. Delta. SHERIFF'S SALE. in the District Court or the Fifth Judicial District or the State or Utah In and for the County or Millard. Parker Lumber Company, a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. Fitzgerald Hrotliert Land Company, a corporation, d-fendant. d-fendant. To be sold at sheriff's sale on Thurs day, May 15th. 113. commencing al the hour of ten o'clock a. in. at tin east front door of the county court bouse. In Mil more City, Millard Conn ty, Utah, the following described land. Described as follows, to-wit: Ttie north half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter ol lection 19, township 16 south, range 7 west, Salt Lake .Meridian. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in any wise ippurtalnlng. 1). 8. DORRITY. JR.. County Sheriff of Millard County. April 24 May 8. 8EED GRAIN FOR SALE. First-class Club Wheat and White Oats for sowing. Free from all Impurities. Im-purities. See sample In stores. IRVLN K. JEFFKRV. Delta. FOR SALE. 80 acres on the north tract, all been cultivated. Another 80 on same tract now being cultivated. Splendid soil and desirable location. See A. Ieut-huuser Ieut-huuser or T. Cronholm, Delta, HOGS WANTED. I am In the market for all kinds of bogs. See me If you want to sell. Frank Samuels, Delta. SALT LAKE ROUTE SOUTH. TIME TABLE MAIN LINE. NORTH. 11:50 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Leave Salt Lake Arrive 11:43 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 4:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m Lynndyl 8:(i0a.m. 1:10a.m. 1:32 a.m. 1.02p.m Delta 7:33 a.m. 12:32 p.m. 4:45 a.m. 1:10 p m Oasis 7:25 a.m. 18:19 a.m. 1:25 a.m. 3:05 p.m. Arrive.... Milford ....Uave B:3i)a.m. 9:16p.m. 10:05 a.m. 4:35p.m Meryl 4:0Sa.m. 7:17 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 10:00 pm. Iave.. I-jin Vevas ..Arrive 8:40 p.m. 9:30 sun. 7:00a.m. 10:00a.m. Arrive.. U Angeles ..Leave 9:00a.m. 8:00p.m. Flag stops. PROVO BRANCH. 7:35 am. Leave Salt Lake Arrive 6:05 p.m. 9:25 a.m. Arrive I'rovo 4:20 p.m. J3:05p.m Leamington 1:35p.m. 12:15 p m Lynn leave 1:25 p.m. THREE DAILY PRINCIPLES l .-"Safety first Tho Result 2- "Courtcsy WeU qUttly ml 3- "CarcfLll Attention wl.eii you travel via to Details." "The Standard Lines Dy these each opcrat- of thc West" ing employe Of thC Automatic Dice trie Hufetjr lilovk Hiiiul Protection i7iT5rji - e- bukley r jJL sfrcTTpS Gen. Pas. Aft. , fcfB'frS?? Salt Lake City, rl uiah : Pledges his faith. GEEWH ILIKINS!!? The man who continually neglects to make nrrd'fd'rc' ' p sirs and improvements about the place is careless. and the price of carelessness is trouble. Stop rfght now an i make a list of the things you will want to fig your pUct in ship-shape and then come in and let us give you an estimate. BAKER Ll'MBER COMPANY. DELTA and OASIS f Order Your Well Now Have Us Drive It We have a new outfit equipped with powerful machinery and capable of sinking a well in the shortest possible time. We guarantee a perman- ent and satisfactory flow of water , CLAWS0N & JUSTESEN . . DELTA j California w Ne Train Service. Inaugurated April 6th. T 0 "THE PACFC LIMITED" Electrically Mlfhted e'lulptnent. K;iulird and Tour- lii,Kl 't Bleeper. I!ner, Observation Car, 'Tre. Reclining I tT'Jni ( hair('ar " V JVrjr Leaves Fait take I (ally 8:15 a. m. ' NT t-JrVX Arr,v' Los Angles 10:00a.m. U Two other food trslrn d.illy. The Los Angeles Limited. Electrically Liiti-d. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. iJ'her end Obsi-rvsHon Hiint. j Aclr Lea Lake S p. m. , 5 Arrives jr AliKcles 4 30 p rix About he ver'n(1 Esprtts Standard and Tonrlnl SItts. Ilnln far lliroucti. Otir fee K'-clinin Chair Cars. 1 1f I , rT lur,h,r Information s-e sny Salt Ijiko Ko.ittt Ir&llIOrnia Agent. Write for California literature. ; CxCUrsion Ticket Office 10 East Third South, Salt Lakr , Tickets T.crECK. c r. a. j. h. mandfrfield, a. c. r, a. Los A nuclei Halt Lake Ctry. y i Delta Livery, T !l c Hinckley Feed and Sale Stable Farnrs' Union." t Is rearm to m-II I have first-class rigs Live Stock and Farm Produce. foe hire for hire with Improved and Unimrroved Laad .... on a small rmiiniaio. or without dnws LUt with u. anything you ). fw sale and tll And m buyer. Bald Hajid Grain for Safe "'ouwnVl7iywirr,or lM A. B. WARD, DELTA mrerKn.sos' .8wu;' HIGGINS & HIGGINS Attorneys-at-Law Fait Lake Office, (15 Judge Dulldlng. FILLMORE UTAH Veme Bartholomew VETERINARY SURGEON Calls made to any part of the County Charges Reasonable Phone at Residence FUlmore - Utah yTlN AD. IN THE- CHRONICLE Is seen by very one In MlUard County and then some, I FARMERS WIVES Your Husbands Use Farm Machinery Here is a help for you, too The U.S. Mechanical Washer th. United State Craam II Separator (1913 model) is the . 7, ool cream separator adapted ' ,'. i'' l I L yL, '", n":hui''1 dng. It t LrJl - skimming sections are oeTitifi- 'C h (td h l - -i eI,jr rTXnH to drive tbe kV - ' " '1 f watblng water hard through VvJIf. if J If f.i lha ekiromingdevit, actually' i . -r. "T'J scrulibinf the metal. (See I R"ff fTl : picture; note Ue simplicity). -."C The United RUtes SrpafaUa.. i X - '. hecauof itscocfertdeigii,iti : " , ' ' Is non-rusting skimming set- . . tioot, iu eay-to-c4eaaj nkkal fOr Wathinff silver seetioos. ru be wuhed , in oae-halt tbe time ttecded to t"2 f deaa other separators. i I'w'nlir ir idaC u I ii ! JsssOss; mm' how nuH work I Tt e'N S U.S. Separator saves you. we I - lrAvll Lt JJ fferUseooetorHi.FREt V3 U rlJ U KZS of charge. ! your trial. SbaQ r we stop wbast ia rour aeuk- I - 1 burh.dr HINCKLEY CO-OP, Agents HINCKLEY. UTAH |