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Show March chicks make early layers. April batched pullets will make tba fall layers. One nest to four bens Is about th right proportion. Hran for the whole poultry flock ia always In season. j Nothing like a warm sun to make j larly chlcka thrive. fifty chlcka to tb common sired brooder Is a safe limit j Sloppy food Is a fruitful source of bowel trouble in chicks. Clean surrounding sfford tLe very best protection agalnat disease. It pays well to know th beaa from bleb you bare your egg for hatching. hatch-ing. Keeping something In tb grit and hell hoppers w III meant harder shelled gB. . All the young chick need d bould have until 41 hours old Is tie pit and water. ( , Scalding out drinking eaaaels oil r twice a week I a prwoaatloa U as saya well la tba end. f l A dropping board aader the raowta a of ItUJe account aalsM it is often , issued o |