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Show Time is Money W are especially prepared to save you both. Our stock is larger and better than ever before. We are making greater effort to supply your want In all kind of merchandise. You will find almost everything you need at our tor. Treat Your Feet Right W have om of th widest and easiest shoes in the world for men. They are especially made to fit the man with big joint and tender feet. CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS :--85c - MISSES' WHIT t: CANVAS SHOES I 1-35 WOMEN'8 WHITE CANVAS SHOES 2-15 WOMEN'S WHITE BUCK SHOES 290 BOYS' MULESKINS FOR SUMMER ONLY $1-60 MEN'S MULESKINS FOR 8UMMER ONLY 1-8 MEN'S WHITE MULESKINS 2-60 MENS SCOUT SHOES 275 Men' Nobby Dress Shirts, the handsomest stuff we have ever shown, $1.25 AND $1.50 PRATT BROS. HINCKLEY, UTAH ' Get Ready for Your Spring Work We Have a Full Line of Farm and Garden Tools SHOVELS FROM 85c to $1.25. HOES 50c RAKES 60c to 85c The Famous Batchelor Forks none better made. See other bargains in implements and tools for the farm. BROOMS 35c and 40c WHILE THEY LAST. 2 CANS LUNETA COFFEE, $1. , OUTINO FLANNEL 7c and 9c per yard. DRESS GINGHAMS AND APRON GINGHAMS 6c and 9c THIS IS ALL NEW SPRING STOCK We cany those GOOD BARTON SHOES None better made, and we are selling them at 20 per cent discount We convinced one customer that we offered better values in Shoes than the mall order houses. Let us convince you. Hinckley Co-op. Hinckley DOH'T MISS TIHSIPPORTUHITY You can get from us, while they last, the following articles at prices here quoted: Eight bsrs Diamond C Soap 25e Hewletts Three Crown, Japan Tea, per pkg 18o Jumbo Coffee, In bulk, regular price 35c, now 25c Westen's Cooks Pride Coffee (None Better): , 30-cent grade per lb., now 25c 40-cent grade per lb., now ' 30c Several pieces prints, Foulard style Suitings, now 5c per yd. Never Fail OH and Gasoline Cans, containing pumps, only 11.75 each. DAMRON & HAWLEY, Descrct, Utah Those Ball Brand Rubber Boots ARE JUST THE THING FOR THE IRRIGATION SEASON. ' NONE BETTER MADE. See our stock of Ladies' Dress Goods. We have some very seasonable offerings. HAVE YOU GOT ANY EGGS? Bring them along. We can't get enough. You will always find us well stocked with Groceries. R. J. LAW DELTA Thurston & Lamson Sell Us Your Milk CIVIL ENGINEERS w e will cull for it niitl , . ,-. , , Pa7 You the Hirhest Market Pric Let u locate your ihtoh.i am! . '"-w , . . for Butter Fat. corners ar.J plat ) our farm f"r jrfct irrigation. PATRONIZZ HOME INDUSTRY" All kinds of Sunrejing Done ,,;,,, ,Ip'y,rur own omiiMiiiity. Room 2. Stockham lluildin We have regular Milk K'oules and DELTA - UTAH r"!I. for "r .,11s"'th' mum at. their convtiiit'iiir. aW. Richards, D.D.S. I Pahvant Valloy dentist Croamory Co. Ail kinds of tfctal Work OASIS UTAH done at reaonalle priif. ' STOCKHAM IlLtKJ. . PKLTA ' rzzzzz tate Bank of (Daulu James Alex Melville Dm a Ceaeral Baa lung Umbos Attorney-at-Uw J "- DELTA - UTAH '1 Uk lU AAfcs Hi 1 BUb. j 2. O. W.FMEHSOM. CASHIC |