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Show FEET TAKE PLACE OF HANDS English Woman, Bern Without Arms, Haa Taught Haraalf to taw, Cook and WHta. At Eastbourne, aaya an English paper, resides a woman probably without an equal In the country. She waa born rolnua arma yet aha ran do almoat anythjoc with her feat. Her nam la Mra. Pelrre of Tower atreet, and recently aha attended a dinner Riven to the old people of the town by the local lodge or Huffaloes. She surprised everybody present by placing her feet upon the table, and picking up tbe knife and fork with marvelous deiterlty commenced to enjoy the feaat. She manipulated the knife and fork quite aa well aa any ordinary person would with her handa, and although aha looked very uncomfortable with her feet on the table, ahe waa quite at eaae. One had to look very .closely to diacern that Mra. Pelrc waa actually actual-ly using her fact, and bad any one been looking round and had not known of her Infirmity, they would have psssed without noticing any-thing, any-thing, ao natural did ahe look. Aa a housewife, Mra. Pelrce la truly wonderful. She cooka the dinner, din-ner, clean the houaa; In fact, aba fulfillsand very creditably, too al-RHt al-RHt all of the dutlea of a bouaewtfa. |