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Show IIII'S SUFFRAGE BILL ISJEJEC1ED FIFTY IRISH NATIONALISTS VOTE AGAINST MEASURE IN. THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Proposed Law Which Would Have En-frsnchlsed En-frsnchlsed Six Million Women In Great Britain Defeated by Vote of 266 to 219. j I-ondon The fate of the women suffrage bill was aealed Tuesday night by the voles of more than fifty Irish Nationalism, who voted aitalnat It. The bill, whereby It was sought to enfranchise enfran-chise 6 000,1110 women, waa rejected by a majority of forty seven. Tbe vote stood 206 to 219. Whether there is any chance that tbe present parliament will paas a bill of more limited character may be doubted. I'oaslbly the Nationalists fear that If they allow a woman's franchise fran-chise bill to pass the second reading It will lead to a parliamentary struggle strug-gle which would not unlikely end In dissolution of parliament before tbe borne rule bill becomes a law. Furthermore, the debate proved that the militant policy of the suffragists has done tbe cause great barm, as far as parliament Is concerned. The conciliation con-ciliation bill or last aesHlon was rejected re-jected by only a small majority compared com-pared with the IHcklnson bHI. which was under discussion Tuesday, and previous pre-vious bills, giving some measure of enfranchisement en-franchisement to women, have passed the second reading, although tbey never survived subsequent stages. Recent police court disclosures of acts of Incendiarism planned by the militants, far surpassing in magnitude anything heretofore attempted, and tbe burning of St. Catherine's eburch. at llatcham Tuesday, undoubtedly Influenced In-fluenced many members to vote against the bill. |