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Show GENERAL I V As to garden seeds, It Is usual to huy direct from responsible seed , r.ouses. Garden seed require much the ssme treatment aa grass seeds or small trains. If air shaked lime b In earth In a-hleh plants ar potted. It will keep worms away. Salsify or vegetable oyster should left In th ground th ssme as artMinlpa. Freexlng Improves It Don't plant the larg varletle of cumbers, expecting to rals as many aa If the cluster kind wer used. Thick neck onions ar usually seen luting such season aa have wet s-eather at tb usual time of ripen-ag. ripen-ag. Iwnsnd for good prodactlT farm property la steadily Increasing. Soms rery high price ar paid for well-Bi well-Bi proved farms. There are very few farms oa whirr dltlos1 labor expended In props' If Ui eed d wonld no ! Jandorn retorsa |