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Show SNAKE VALLEY NEWS. . A dreadful occurrence took place In this valley on April 22. when Sam Geslln was ahot and killed, presumably presum-ably by Howard Chrlstopherson and Geo. Kichardsoii, at the Conger ranch, fifteen miles north of Garrison. Geslln, It Is supposed, had been Intimate In-timate with Mrs. Chrlstopherson. who is Richardson's daughter, over which they had trouble before, Geslln having hav-ing shot at Chrlstopherson some weeks ago. There were some arrests at the time, but all seemed to have been fixed In a satlstactory manner. It b Ing understood that Geslln and Mrs. Chrlstopherson would have no communication com-munication )n future. When laat Saturday they were known to havt been together again, and on Sunday night met and went to the Conger place, where they were later discovered dis-covered by the outraged husband and father, when the shooting occurred Justice Smith of Garrison impaneled impan-eled a Jury and went to the scene cf the shooting, and later brought th body to Garrison, where It was held) until the sheriff and county attorney came from Fillmore. ' Geslln was little know n, having cows here less than two years ago. IH folks reside In Texas. Christophers! and Richardson were taken to Mil more by Sheriff Dority, and are Doing Do-ing held there awaiting a hearing which wilt be on the Cth of May, be-fore be-fore "3tittrMr: TIW ahertff 1s Erf In the valley for the witnesses necessary neces-sary at the hearing. Sam Geslin's brother from Arizona, srrlved last Tuesday. , |