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Show Actor's Triumph. ' la 1845 the Boulevard du Temple was the heart of the theatrical world of I'arls. In the ten theaters that lined that comparatively abort thoroughfare thor-oughfare so much blood was shed on the stage every evening at the popular plays that It was known as the lloule-vard lloule-vard du Crime. The audience became o pussionate-ly pussionate-ly devoted to some of the characters Interpreted for their pleasure that they sometimes showed quite tierce hostility to the actors w ho had to take parts Inimical to thein. One nl,ht. for Instance, Hriand, who hud represented repre-sented Hudson l,uwtt In a scene on tbe Island of Saint Helena w hen Napoleon was Imprisoned there, was seized by some roughs as bo left thu theater and flung Into thti but, In of the Chateau d Enu. This quite delighted him, and he gloated over It as a triumph when he was telling the tragicomic tragi-comic Incident the next day. 1'iou? tbe llookinaa. |