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Show WOODEN FLUMES ARE COSTLY Extremely Wasteful of Water, Soon Pulling Apart and Cracking Concrete Con-crete Is Bsst Material. Wooden flumes are still built In torn sections, notwithstanding the progress that Is being made In Irrtga-tlon Irrtga-tlon development The first cost of Ihes Is high In most places, but no matter how cheap may be the cost of :onstniction. It Is generally the least !xpen to put In the better systems inch aa are In use In Wyoming. A wooden flum requires constant repairs. re-pairs. It Is eitremely wasteful of water, wa-ter, soon pulling apart and cracking from the effects of the alternate iwelllng and shrinking of the materials. mate-rials. It Is expensive to build and maintain a flume anywhere, especially icross broken or rolling land. Of ne--esslty a flume roust be built on a uniform uni-form grade. It Is therefofV neceissry hat It should be supported on a trestle r embankment across low places. The mbankment Is subject to Injury from burrowing gophers and both trestles ind embankments are subject to wssh-nits wssh-nits and the more modern theory I to ibvlate all this trouble by putting In roncrete coadults or syphons contorm-ng contorm-ng to tb lay of the land and having -nough strength to withstand a me Hum pressure. Good Home Fruit Th currant Is a good heme fruit ind needs but llttl care for good remits. re-mits. Perfection and Red Cress ar good varieties. |