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Show THE UTAH BUDGET John Worthen. a bricklayer, was found dead in bed In Salt Luke City, death being due to heart failure, brought on by alcoholism. .Miss Kdlth Swanner of Roy, Weber county, was thrown from a buggy during a ninawsy on the Klverdale road and received painful but not serious Injuries. The dates for the I tail state fair tisve been definitely decided. The fair will be opened Monday, September Septem-ber 29, and will remain open for six days and nights. About seventy five survivors and widows of survivors of the Hlack Hawk Indian war met at Coalville and decided to Join the It ah Indian War Veterans' association. The city officials of KaysvlO. with the advent of spring, have determined that autolsts have too little renMct for tlHi speed laws, w.ilcli prescribe a limit of ten miles through the town. Letters from Utah cities that will 1 visited by the Greater Utah excursion, ex-cursion, May 12-17, Indicate that the army of boosters will be met with unbounded enthusiasm at every point. A Ions which will reach $35,0110 resulted re-sulted when the Ice houses, Icing station sta-tion and freight storage warehouse of the Denver Klo Grande railroad, located at Ogdea. was destroyed by Are. Within the next few days tbe Dal-lard Dal-lard Logan cut-off of the Oregon Short Line In Cache county will be officially opened. The opening of this new line means a great deal to the people ol Cache valley. The Lehl postofflc situation is to be settled by the Democratic patrons of the office voting for their favorite csndldate. The candidate receiving the lilgheat vote will be recommended recommend-ed for appointment. Work has commenced on measuring tbe streams of tbe state, for which in appropriation was recently made by the state legislature. Beveral stations sta-tions have already been set In Wsyne and other southern counties. During 1910 the Infant inortslity In " Utah was eighty-six In every l.OUOln-: l.OUOln-: fants less than 1 year of age. Kentucky Ken-tucky Is next la the honor list, with sn average Infant mortality of eighty-night, eighty-night, and Missouri, with nlnety-slx, Is third. With only one of the five municipal wards of the city giving a majority In favor of the proposition, the proposed bond Issue of 175.000 for erecting a bitch school gymnasium was defeated it tb special election bold at Ogden last week. A movement of widespread Importance Import-ance to the state of Utah Is being vjff- orously pressed forward by tbe Salt i Lake Commercial club In Its efforts to collect and diffusa Information con- i rernlng tb us of water In this state i for irrigation. i - Slashing at hit heart with a pocket 1 knife as he lay on a cot In the county 1 hospital at Salt Lake, Gunner I'eter- ' son, a tailor 3B years of age, wounded wound-ed himself fatally, thus accomplishing 1 his purpose of suicide, a first attempt at which was tnsdo In Sandy, when be slashed bis leg. A plot to secure another large sum , Of money In the same manner that 11,000 was obtained from Mrs. Thomas Thom-as D. Dee and Mrs. It. K. Ilrlsto! ol ( Ogden few weeks ago deveUied , Saturday morning, when Mrs H-e Is , said to have received a threatening j letter demanding more money. ( A report of the consumption of wood In Utah has Just been complet- i ed by the forest service for 1912. i About 204.000.000 feet of lumber, rail- i road lies, mine and other mlscellane- jus timbers, and approximately 85. i 000.000 shingles. 25,OOti,0"0 laths and I 10.000 split cedar posts were used. I Another victim of narrow bridges ' iss been claimed by desth. Gilbert II. 1 Cregg, a lwnver st Kio Grsnde fire- 1 man. whose bead was crushed against 1 Ihe steel work of a narrow gauge ' irldge at Welling Ills desth was tbe eleventh from this cause on the D. & It G.. between Grand Junction and , Helper In fifteen years. While plowing and leveling down his field near rrovo, T. 11. Vincent dug op three skulls, on of a man, one of a woman and one of a child As a number of skulls have been un- j rovrred la the western part of tb rlty and near tbe Vincent farm the officer believe thst an old Indian burial ground was In thst region. i Tbe state board of Immigration, la- bor and statistics Is sending out cop- 1 Ins of all laws relating to labor In 1 Utah to manufacturers of the sta'e I'artlcnlar attention la being railed ' to the new minimum wage law, which 1 waa passed tb last day of tbe lesls 1 latur and which will soon b In effect, ef-fect, j During tbe past six months commercial com-mercial travelers and others desirous ( of remaining over nirbt in Mil ford j bav eiperlen4 much difficulty In t Obtaining lodgings. Tbls congestion ( will soon be relieved with the com- pletloa of a new bote) building. i J. W. Ivey, who completed a sen- 1 trace of aixteea months at the state prison February 19 for burglary, hsi ' been arrested to Sslt Lak on the caarg of having held up tbe ecu pants of a saloon, securing $50 la ' cash aad a diamond ring valued at 1 $10. J |