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Show I KAFJARRAVILLE NEWS NOTES By Hannah Davis La Dene Walker, Rosie Graff Lort Kay Miller of Cedar City, visited one day last week with La Dene's sister, Ethna Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norman of Meeker, Colo., were overnight visitors with their daughter, the Vergene Davis family. They went on to Cedar City and spent the day with another daughter, the Ronald Williams family. I Bob Cornelius, Chesley Wil-I Wil-I Hams, Retta Batty and Cheryl Williams accompanied the high school band to Enterprise vhere they gave a concert Belle Davis spent several days In Murray with her daughter, the Robert Simkins family. Mrs. Lena Williams has returned re-turned home after a visit in Salt Lake City with some of her children. chil-dren. She brought one of her little grandsons home with her for a visit here. Mrs. Irene Bryant of Cedar City Ci-ty spent a day here last week with her daughter, the Bernell Isom family. Miss Judy Hallman of Cedar City spent the week end here with Raona Ence. Visitors - home from Nevada over the week end were Gaylen Berry, Rowen Williams and son Rand; Gary Williams, Reed Williams Wil-liams and family, and Jim, Jess and Dale Cornelius. Sunday visitors with Hannah Davis were Rudger Fife of Summit, Sum-mit, Marrlsis Stratton,- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith and their daughter, the Meeks family of Cedar City. Lillian and Colleen Wlll'ams and family spent the wee srd in Las Vegas. Raymond Davis and sons of Sandy, Utah, were week end visitors vis-itors here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Davis. Jennie Williams spent day in Cedar City and one In St George last week helping the Intermountain Intermoun-tain Farmers Association. Jennie is president of the local auxiliary. auxil-iary. Darrel Smith and boys of Cedar Ce-dar City were visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delile Davis. Da-vis. Johnny Logan of Cedar City spent Sunday here with Bob Cornelius. Cor-nelius. Visitors at the Wlllard Williams Wil-liams home was Mr. and Mrs. Ron McAllister- and children of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Riddle of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Williams of Logan were visitors with Ethna Williams ov;r the week end. They came for their small daughter Holly, who had been here with her grandmother for a week. They returned home Sunday Sun-day accompanied by Ethna, who will remain there for a while, as Lauralie will undergo surgery at a hospital there. Norma Houser and boys are here from Phoenix, Ariz., for a few days visit with his father, Waldo Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Williams, Arvilla Woodbury and Lapreal Cornelius spent Monday at Page. Arizona. |