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Show Martha E. Williamson Dies o! Heart Attack at 86 Funeral services were held In Paragonah Saturday for Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Williamson Barton, 86, who died suddenly of a heart attack on April 27. The 86-year-old lady was walking to her son's home when she was suddenly stricken and died in the street, where she was found a short time later by her brother Frank Williamson. Mrs. Barton was born in Paragonah Para-gonah on Dec. 2, 1868, a daughter daugh-ter of William and Martha Knowles Williamson, early pioneer pio-neer residents nf Iron Countv. She married John S. Barton on July 24, 1890, and spent her life in that community except for a three-year period during which she and her husband resided in California. Her husband died in I June 15, 1946, and since that time she has spent most of her time with her children. Surviving are four sons, W. Wesley Barton, and Zoram Barton, Bar-ton, California; Wilford Barton, Idaho, and Don C. Barton, Paragonah; Para-gonah; two sisters, Mrs. Ariana Cameron, Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Audrey Hatch, California. Also surviving are 16 grandchildren, grandchil-dren, 20 great-grandchildren and six brothers and sisters, John, Edwin and Frank Williamson, Paragonah; Jane Patterson, Eda Thornton and Eliza Owens, Cedar City. Funeral services were conducted conduct-ed in the Paragonah Ward chapel cha-pel by Bishop Victor R. Robinson. Robin-son. The choir sang the opening and closing numbers, with P. Amasa Stones directing and Mel-va Mel-va Barton as accompanist. The musical numbers also included a vocal duet by Mrs. Rula Orton and Whitney Orton, and a vocal solo by Ted Barton, all of Parowan. Paro-wan. Life history of the deceased was given by Mrs. Frank Williamson, Wil-liamson, and speakers were J. Leonard Topham and Bishop Robinson. Invocation was by Clark Lamoreaux, benediction by Orson Talbot, and the dedicatory prayer by William Peters. |