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Show Motel Association To Hold Week End Open House The Cedar City Motel Association As-sociation In cooperation with the Utah State Motel Association has scheduled an Open House to be held Saturday and Sunday, May 7, and 8, as a climax to the National Motel Week, now In progress. Ray Knell, president of the state association has asked people peo-ple rom'throughout the state to personally see what this Industry in Utah offers the motoring public pub-lic in the way of services and accomodations. During National Motel week any newlywed couple married in the state o; Utah during this week will be entitled to a free night's stay at any UMA motel, Knell stated. Governor J. Bracken Lee has proclaimed the national event as has Mayor Arnold of Cedar City, as a special week. National Milpl WppU is rplnt observed throughout every state in the nation for the purpose of making the motels available for first hand inspections by tourists and Interested citizens. Members of the association in Cedar City have extended a cordial cord-ial Invitation to local residents to visit the local units during the open house Saturday and Sunday. Knell pointed out that local residents seldom have an opportunity oppor-tunity to visit Cedar City motels, fie urged residents to ome out and see the motel accomodations of our own community so that thev can better Inform tourists and themselves of what is offered offer-ed In our own community by the motel Industry. Local members of the UMA are Cedar Crest, El Patio. Zion. Knell, and EIRey motels, he said. |