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Show Cedar Stake Annual MIA Special Interest Program Set The annual Cedar Stake MIA Special Interests program will be held Thursday evening, May 12, according to Dr. Rymal G. Williams, Wil-liams, Y M M I A Special Interest Inter-est leader. An invitation is extended ex-tended everyone of M I A special spec-ial interest group age to attend, including all ward and stake officers, offi-cers, and members of the special interest classes. The program will be held in the First Ward Chapel. An outstanding program has been arranged with principal speakers to include Rodney Turner, Tur-ner, principal of the Cedar City LDS Seminary, and Mrs. Afton Parry, who has been conducting an outstanding special Interest class throughout the year. Cedar City's Master Singers will provide two musical numbers num-bers and Rex Spaekman, faculty member of the Seminary, will give a piano solo. j In addition to the program a floor show will be presented in the recreation hall. Light refreshments refresh-ments will also be served. Conducting the meeting will be Dr. Williams, and introduction of ward MIA Special Interest leaders lead-ers will be handled by Irene S. Wasden, head of the Y W M I A Special Interest activities. Invocation at the meeting will be by William A. Painter and the benediction will be given by Fidhnk Jackson. Ardella Ford will also give brief remarks on the subject: "We Are All Missionaries." Subject Sub-ject of Turner's speech will be "What the Gospel Should Mean and Can Do for Us." Mrs. Parry will speak on "What the Word of Wisdom Should Mean and Can Do For Us." This is the Stake Special Interest Inter-est group's annual-program and everyone Is welcome, Mrs. Wasden Was-den said. |