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Show MANUFACTURERS ASK FOB IMPOST Association Urges Upon Every Ufahn to Boost for Home Industry. Calling directly upon .each and every citizen of the stale to support Utah industries in-dustries and enterprises, as well as to establish a sentiment favorable to home labor, tho Manufacturers association oC Utah, through the executive secretary of the association, D. F. Collett. has caused a sol of resolutions 'to be sent broadcast over the state. The association lends its unqualified Indorsement to "every well-directed well-directed movement to Increase a demand for Utah products. The resolutions, follow: fol-low: "Whereas, The material growth, development de-velopment and prosperity of the state depends de-pends very lorgcly upon the loyalty of its citizens in consei-vlng its resources and fostering Its Interests, and "Whereas, There Is In evidence at times a tendency to send money out of the state unnecessarily for materials that abound here, for articles that are manufactured locally, and often to award contracts for designs and construction to the exclusion of Utah architects, contractors and workmen. work-men. Therefore, be it "Resolved, Thai a campaign be waged among all classes of our citizens for an undivided allegiance to Utah, each taking tak-ing for a motto thin sentence: 'I will support sup-port the state that supports mo,' Be It further "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions resolu-tions be sent to state, county and municipal munic-ipal officials, to commercial bodies and every manufacturer in Utah, that from the highest authority to tho humblest citizen there may be found a practical and unwavering fealty to Utah and her Interests." |