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Show SILT LAKERS DEFEAT MILITARY STUDENTS Indoor Rifle Match Scores Overwhelmingly Over-whelmingly in Favor of Local Lo-cal Sharpshooters. The tndoor rifle match between the Salt Lake High school and the Kentucky Military Institute of Lyndon. Ky.. held a week ago, resulted In a decided victory for the local marksmen, tho score being S90 to SIS. The Kentucky Military team had been unbeaten up to the match with the Salt Lake team, having won fi': straight matches, but the teams It shot against wore among the weakest teams of the league. The Lyndon team's scores were not over an average of 825. This ma teli makes It. five out of seven for the local high school and tho record Is a good one considering that this is the first year that the school has taken part In such practice. The Salt Lako scores are all higher than tho Institute scores, as Pratt, the low man on the local team, has a total of 175 which is lour points higher than the high score on tho Kentucky Ken-tucky vani. The local boys are steadily improving and if the present rate is continued the Morris High school and the Culver Military Mili-tary academy will have to shoot strong to win. Tho Kentucky Military team shot their match at Eau Gallls, Fla.. as the school Is now In winter quarters. Individual Indi-vidual scores follow: Salt Lako High School. Stand- , Ing. Prone. Total. Harold HerrtckT. S7 91 181 Paul Parmcleo 01 SS 179 James Smith 87 91 178 Earl Mollis 87 90 177 James Pratt SO 95 175 Total S90 Kentucky Military Institute. Prone. Total. Ralph Jones Si ."' 90 171 George Tate S2 ' 81 1GC Carl Johnson 7S 87 lfift Claud Earls 77 86 103 Earnest Wells 71 . S2 153 Total f. .SIS |