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Show pEuilti Jerome Withdraws From Case After Insanity Dodge Fails to Work. PRISONER REMANDED TO TOMBS UNTIL MARCH 27 Seven Indictments Remain Against Man Whose High Finance Plans Miscarry. NEW YORK, March 1. Joseph G. Robin, Iho fallen hanker, pleaded guilty today (o an indictment charging him with Iho larceny of $27,000 from tho Washington Savings bank, of which he was former! president. Seven indict-menlH indict-menlH against htm renmin. lie was rc-uiiindetl rc-uiiindetl to tho Tombs until March 27, when he will ho sentenced. Tlio collapse of Robin's defouso of insanity put forward by his sister, Dr. Louise Robinovilch, nnd his counsel, William Travers Jerome, was foreshadowed foreshad-owed Inst night, when it wns roported I hat Robin said lie w.tb "tired of all this fooling," but it caused a stir in the courtroom, none tho loss. On the night beforo the Northern Bank of New York, in which Robin wns interested, went into tho hnnds of the stato superintendent of banks Robin wns committed to a private sanitarium on affidavits sworn out by his sister and two physicians. Tho sanitarium rejected him nnd ho returned to thn jurisdiction of tho court nnd submitted to nrrcst. On tho day he was arrested Robin attempted sui-cido sui-cido on tho way to court by swallowing poison, buttlic, prompt use of a stomach pump saved him. On motion of .Toromc, physicinns were appointed by the stato and defense to examine into his sanity and they roported ro-ported unanimously that ho was incompetent incom-petent to undertake a defonso. A jury sitting under .Judge Swann rejected tho findings of the nliouists and Judge Swann complimented tho jury on its "horse sense." The ensc camo to trial on Monday nnd Jerome's preliminary motions to dismiss on the ground that tho defendant defend-ant was insane wero overruled by Jus-lico Jus-lico Seabury. Jerome followed by a searching examination of each talesman and nil indications were that tho case would bo fought to the last ditch. Then Joromo decided to withdraw from the defenso nnd Robin, through other counsel, pleaded guilty. Through Robin's- opcrntions the Washington Savings bank, tho Northern North-ern Bnnlc of New York nnd tho Carnegie Car-negie Trust company and a string of minor concerns which ho promoted went into insolvency. No full statement of the larcenies hns yet been made public by the stato examiners. |