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Show LEGAL. S0TICE. TEEASCRT DrPARTMRKT. OmCI Or COitPTBOLl,EB OrTffB CCFBESCT f WASHISGTOsr. May li 1K0. WEIKEA3. by satisfactory evtitencejriresented to the undersigned, it baa been made to PPr that the National Bank of the Kepubllu at Salt LakV dty. la the eity of Salt Lake in the county of Salt Lake, and territory of ttah. ha complied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States, required tn be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the bueiuess of bank- '"asb THEREFORE, t Jesse D. Abrahams, deputy dep-uty and acting comptroller of the currency, do reS certify that the National Bank of the Renuollc at Salt Lake city, in the city of sft Lake, in the county ot Salt Lake and ter-morvof ter-morvof Ttah is authorized 10 commence the of banking as provided in Section flftv-one hundred and sixty-nine of the re-t-iIJd stamt' of the I -nirad States. IN TKSTIMOXY WHKREOF, wlm.- my hand and seal of office this ISth day of May. '' . ' J. D. ABK.FJt. Deputy and a.-ting comptroller of the cur- |