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Show SALiT t. a. Real Estate Exchange 29 Commercial Street MONEYTO LOAN Ou Good Real Estate Security. F. REHRMAN & CO. tw , J. F. JACK, Real Estate, 230 South Main, 8ait Lak-C! ' FINANCIAL. WEils,? 8.Hl,,k. Clt, Ctoh Pacific. Coast P ' Ud 0a M Pmta " CipSfZ1 the an7buul,,ant.U!uUou t0 th9 splllnS oa tMeln:ea mad6 on csignmenu at West Particular attention itiven to collect ions COHHBSPONDENTS: Wells, Fargo 4 Co. . . t . Wells FarSo & Co . " ! Kwv Maverick National Banli First National Hank. cSS?L First Nattotial Bank & Merchant-National Banu:::::.::?.:" Boatmen's National Bank. t lR v8iib. Fargo &co Agricultural College of Utah, Tlio Agricultural Collejte or ttah, Lo. catcd at Logao, Utah, will Open for Students on September 2nd. . WW Territorial Institution, founded uimn a uuitcd states land Krant and by Territorial appropriations' for the purpose of plying tho young men and young w omen of Utah a liberal aim practical education in the several pursuits and professions of life, n has courses lu Agriculture, Ag-riculture, Domestic. Economy, Mechanic Arts and Moctiaulcjl Engineering, Civil Engineering Engineer-ing and other special courses. H has a modern equipment anil specialists in Its several flclds of Instruction. Its meansot illustration Include the Untted States Experiment Station aud its work of re-search re-search In agriculture; a fine farm. Including hort i cultural g.ounds. equipped with modern appliances; a cooking, dairy, cuttiug and sew. nig department, workshops ill wood and Iron, "n"T ''P''y. museums aud other means of illustration. ,.J5LUl1M,nts. wlu k'Pt in constant coutact with illustrations of h hoolrootu teachiugs thvoiitfhout its four years courses. or pamphlet containing announcements ana lor further particulars, address, J. W. Sanpborn, resident. Capital Fully Paid, 400,000.00 Union National Bank, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Transacts a General Banking Business. Safe Deposit Vaults, Fire and Burglar Proof. Rents from $5 to $25 per Annum. J. It. WALKER, President, M.H. WALKER, Vice-President, M. J. CHEESMAN. Cashier, l. H. FARNSWOKTH, Asst. Cashier, J. B WALKER, Or., Aast, Caahlnr., James H ltacon, J'rank L. Holland President. Cathier. Bank of Salt Lake. Salt Lake City, Utah. General Banking Business Transacted Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange Bought and Sold. Money to Lend on Real Estate from One to Five Years Time. HOTELS. WALKER .'. HOUSE The Walker is Located in tlte Business Center of this City and has all the Modern Improvements & Conveniences Pertaining to a strictly firstlass house It Is managed as well as any hotel In the West end Is strictly the Business and Tourist Tour-ist Hotel of Salt Lake City. Passenger Elevator, The Walker & the Metropolitan Are the Two Leading Hotels of Salt Lake City. Or. S. ERB jPropr. THE 0ULLEN. THE Modern Hotel op SALT LAKE CITY. S. C. EWLSQ. Proprietor. Spencer House, 232S. First Sasrt St. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BOOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD. By the Day,, Week or Month. :-Commerclal Katloaal Bant-: OF SALT LAKE CITY. Capital $250,000 No. 11 Eatt First South Street. EIRECTORS: H.G.Ba-ih.' President G. M. Downey .'.Vice-President THOH. M ARRHiLL, T. E. SCRYMBER, F. H. Auerbach, D. C. Bacon, , John J. dai.y, W. P. Nojilb, ' J. W. Donneixan. Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business in all Us Brandies. Sells sight drafts on the principal cities of the world. Issues circular letters of credit and postal money orders on all parts of Europe and the Orient. Collections prornptlp attended to. Loans money at the lowest rates and on the best terms prevailing in this market. McCORNICK "& CO., BlSTEIBISSa. SALT LAKE, UTAH Coreul attention given to tin Sale of Ore and Bullion. We solicit Consignment, guaranteeing guar-anteeing highett market prices. COLLECTIONS MA0EAT LOWEST RATES ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENTS: New York Imp. and Trad. Nat. Bank, Chemical Chem-ical Nat. Bank, Kountze Bros. Chicago Commercial Nat. Bnlt. San Francisco First Nat. Bank, Crocker-Woodworth Crocker-Woodworth Nat. Bank. Omaha Omaha Nat. Bank. St. Louis-State Bank of St. Lotus. Kansas City-r it. Bank of Kansas City. Denver-Denver Nat. Bank. City hat. Bank London, England-Messrs. Martin & Co., J3 Lombard street. . - ! A.Gr2cNcrsr WARWICK HIGH-GRADE SAFETY BICYCLE. I cany a stock of SAFETY BICYCLES at $28.00, $35.00, $40.00, $60.00, $75.00, $115.00, $135.00, TRICYCLES and VELOCIPEDES. VE-LOCIPEDES. In purchasing from me yon have a stock to select from and do not nave to wait. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices on Sport-Ins; Sport-Ins; Goods, Guns, Cutlery, etc, shot-gunsTt cost. Bicycle and Gnu Repairing. AgentCALIGKAPH WRITING MACHINE Carbons, Ribbons and Paper. jVL R. EVANS 223 Vf. 2d South street, bait Lako Citjr V MW" 9"mf " SALT LAKE VALLEY Loan and Trust Company, ' Salt Lake Cityt Ttah. CAPITAL . - $300,000. Money to loan on real estate and other good securities, on short and long rune. dibeciorr: . 0 . SulWiary. Pre. F. B. vf S.B. Field. Jr. - - T,tat'rr-Real T,tat'rr-Real Estate Mortgages, guaranteed by the company, for sale. Office Daft bulldta up-stair. No. W9 Main st B T. Burton, Jr , J. A. Groesbeok, W. B. Andrew Burton, Groesbeok & Co., BUYERS AUD SELLER!) OF CHOIOJ1 Business, Resilience '; and Acreage Property. Sole Agents lor South Lawn Addition. Office 269 S. Main St.' 1 Telephone 48i ' OXJU.B "XITXJD REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' Loan, Riai 8sT.fiMfwrna (rrocn, Dmvsb Bbamcs Oourt Bouse. Dearer, Col. 0. LwoMr, Manager. for the year endlntt Hweinlr 31, 1V, of the condition of the General Life and Fire Assurance COMPANY. Made to the Horrrtaryrif Iha Terrltorr ol t'tah in puMiiam a of an a-t raiannif U Hra loaur-aru loaur-aru cornpaaiae, approted UaicB li, liH. Name of rompaliy and Ira-alum, t.eorral t.lfe a ail Ura Aaanram Company, ol tawdoa, Ktifland. The amount of capital sUa a li n.fli fro nrt Tha capital aO-k pad up 1 ........ w The ainount of Its ata Is t,itIJAVM The amount of ita liabilities (in- cludinu; enpiteli l e,Heaani The net surplus oter allllahllllleaM 44.wu.a1 Tha name of Its altomay of aani fortheT rrltiryof CUJinpoBw- vlca ol p o"s s i ny d I ttiUm axin-t said eotnpauy may be mad. Uoi ts Hrafc 4 Co. Th-r ca pt during the yr were . .9M Toe eiuendltoiM U.ill 111 year ere !ZZ t:t 'a f)iaofC l"onli, . Cite B i -ountynf H 8 ftaai i A Iiaiton 1 rr tun. ma U-x a ths firm et O,ilou tel 1 o. rl :n ort art li IF!1 r.K nta an , b f g Ti)t depose od a t I be U rh no td I ! o -l t a aai e o ny ar.d ta i the f"ir g ' . t art o tha - r I (04l noli i n osi Mi l ir t ay f umi i ory es t-o t t ti b : o i u r . t o . kn - a t I , rep ti ly a tii'i'.iHi .. Si haerib d and iw r t be'oie a t4 l.Jtr- . teeatt y of ia7. A O I Off. f. K.aor, sU.l A Cwir.is o e-of p a U t th - Tr rr o i i a at ean i r H., Cat. TTTfryo'l'tah. 8e rt y oJJce. I 1 U aa Mils. rti-y e? the wrury ot tt'ie, d ber.eyea.ti y that the .bo aad firgo Wf i oX tr aai o"rrt oT ot la anr.ua! siat-nieat 'A the ml co. Ji-ln of la Oaoerai I- fe and fir Awirawe emmpaoy M lmioo t airland, hfetf lis wy us taa a.tii day of Mjr. I"", la poru..na of an art ; tuiIii- to Bra inatirmrc ivmpaalaa. apprna4 1 Mir.lt It 11 lii vlfiiraa arHr.f I aara mi bacd ami . aad tli Kraal aeal irf l ha trrrtlory of K'taa ; lhi-;ii- ay o May, IW. i i.tauj KuksKhij Hrref.rv f I. tah Trr?.iry J.l I- M- A C"..agnia i lroitra bi-ar KELLY & COMPANY Printers, Blank-Booh Makers and Stationers. NO. 40 W' 9econd 9"ti.Bt', Salt Lake, - Utali Our facilities for doing First ClissJob Print- , Economical lnention Prices Low. Call on U- |