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Show SETriKHEM r ESTATE. In th Probate court ' In the matter ot Iha In ami for Salt laka , estai of county, Terrliory of ( WiUJaxi BucnHra.sT l tah. i drceasad. N'OTTK IS HKKl.BY CIVFN THAT Illram M. I lacktiuvat, administrator of the estate of William t laekhurat. ilefawl. has rendered for ettemut aud filed In this court his rmal ac.-e.unt of his admlnlstratioQ ofsaldestala and petition for final disirtbu tion of the residue of said estate anion the persons rntilleil thereto and nat Friday. Iha th day of June. A. U lfk. at HI ocl.s k am., at the courtnsiiu of said court, in the roomy isMirthouse. Sail Lake city and nminty. I lah Ter Itory, has la-en duly appointed " by th judire of said court for the sell lemeul of said account and heartn sal i pelltkn i. r dlsiribu-tlou. dlsiribu-tlou. at which tune and plai.-e any person Inter eslcd In said et .to niav appear and show tans. If any there be, why said a. -count .no ihl not 1m settled and .pproved, and Bual lUslrt-builon lUslrt-builon uia la as pmyc 1 for. liated May 11, tinw. JoiinC. CYrixa. Clerk of the Probaia Court. |