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Show 'CRIMINAL IML An Unknown White M.in Murdered" in Kentucky For His Grip-Sack, i , A PHYSICIAN GETS THREE YEAES. Charged With Perjury-An Attempt at Jail Breaking -The Cross Murder-Other Crimes. I'adh au. Ky.,Juue 1:1. A gentleman who arrived "from Tennessee today brings particulars of a murder which occurred near Pierce's sluliou, a little hamlet on the N.N. and M. V. railroad, near the Kentucky line, on Sunday. The body of an unknown white man was found lying tieur the railroad track w illi a couple of bullet holes through his head, lie was recognized as having hav-ing passed through Fulton, Ky., the evening before in company with a negro, ne-gro, v ho is also known iu that section. It is believed the negro murdered his companion in order to secure the contents con-tents of a traveling bag which ho carried. car-ried. At last accounts the people of Tierce's station were hunting tho ucgro with bloodhounds. |