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Show OH l OK A MEP1CAL LAW. Swindling Device ,.r,.,l Calculated, to .lead the -poor althcted cKth have not yet become Americanized, td they know not the dark scheming vavs of the self-styled, silvcr-ouguedrniud-readcrcaaiToyanUaith- doetor or magnetic healer. My dear 3 be upoS your guard, do not be Served, this an age of science and Sgross. But our Savior Ismtom and not here upon earth as Ho was before be-fore He was crucified. Since that day wicked man has never been .gifted with such wonderful power that they may do miracles-most assuredly not where they ask gold and silver m advance for miracles they promise to perform in the future, but never, never do. Be aware of all such quackery. They areouly after the almighty dollar and when they get the last dollar you have left to buv vour bread and butter with, they will tell you to go, they can do no more or you. Why will you stop to hear the self praise of such frauds? Why- not go to the old reliable army physician End surgeon, Dr. Hand, the celebrated speeia'ist and electrician, the great microscopist, who can tell you of every disease you have without exposure of person, or without asking you a single question, ana has cured more afflicted persons per-sons than any ten physician! m the west; has treated 5369 persons upon contract within the last four years, lie-member lie-member vou can't pay Dr. Hand a dollar dol-lar upon'his services until after you are cured, because Dr. Hand will not receive re-ceive anything for his services until after you are cured. That alone should teach you who the doctor is that you should go to. No cure, no pay: Beware Be-ware of quacks. Pay no doctor for his services until he has cured you, then you will know he is a physician. Dr. Hand's office is No. 253 South West Temple street, second door north of the Metropolitan hotel. Salt Lake City, Utah. -. |