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Show ' LKliAU sotIUe (AF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OF V a lural tu for the extension of water malnsou Thirl South street. Notice u hereby given that the assessor ami cotlectjr of Salt Lake aty has made ami iui-JHctcd iui-JHctcd tho list ami plat pertaining to a liiciil tax at the rate of four mills per Miuare fo.it, levied by the c'.ty council of Salt Like Citv, June 8, ISHO. upou the following described lot or pieces of ground, nnmelr: Lols. 7, block . lots 5. . block lots i. S. Work til. nnd part of lots l and S, block 4T: all lu plat H, Salt Lake city survey. ntd tax being for the ex-tension ex-tension of the water malus along the following described route, nainelv: Thliil South street between Sixth and Seventh Kast strwls. Said list and plat have been lodged In the ofSc of the city recorder. No. s. city hall, and will be forlnsjieetlon for a period of ten davs from and after thetth davof June, IWX during which lime written appeals to the ettv council forthenirreetlou of the assessment niav bo pled with the said recorder. In pursuauce of the ordinance In Mich case provided. LOC1S HYAMS. City Recorder. Salt Lake City. June ;, io. |