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Show Just a Difference of Opinion. I The artists are always finding fault, in every clime and country, with the work of tho local " hanging committee." Never was au artist who did not claim, if any of his work was exhibited in an exhibition, that the unfortunate "hanging "hang-ing coramitteo" had dwarfed his effort by hanging it in the worst possible place, itt an exhibition in this city a certain artist had a work accepted and was requested re-quested by the hanging committee to visit the gallery and pick out his own place. He did so. When the exhibition wai opened a fellow artist who visited It found fault with the placo given one of his own paintings. "But I will not speak of my own work," he said to tho party to yvboni he was complaining. "Now there is 's picture over there. 1 An idiot would have put it in a bettet place." When he found out later that had made his own selection of position posi-tion he had nothing further to say. Chicago Chi-cago Herald. ! ' |